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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Droopy

  1. Good. Fuck ‘em. Arkansas fucking blows and so do their fans. Love, love, LOVE Tony Jones ripping their hearts out. Bring the hate.
  2. After hearing for the last two weeks, essentially, from aggys around me, that Texas will never be a member of the SEC, A$M won’t allow it because we have a conference that cares about its members and their goals, it won’t be a unanimous vote to approve, you’ll get in but you won’t be treated like a full fledge member, to you better come in and kiss the rings because we have more pull/prestige than you think,etc… I’d just like to say, thanks for holding our spot cucks. We’re good now. You can go back to the corner to watch. 🤘🏼
  3. This is the Big XII’s attempt to save the conference, clearly, the leftovers are scrambling to find a new home and asking for help in doing so. This conference is flatlined and the commish is still warming up the paddles. I bet Bowlsby’s ass is up at night now. What a complete buffoon.
  4. Dude, with all due respect, fuck Bricktown Ballpark. Did you happen to see the SEC baseball tournament? It was light years better than OKC. And who the fuck WANTS to go to Oklahoma for anything? OU would leave if they could.
  5. RACK HIM! While I miss the Thanksgiving day game with aggy, I also loved that ISU and Iowa got their game out of the way early. I wouldn’t mind having the game within the first two weeks of the season. Would love to talk shit all season long to gomer.
  6. How about we get aggy’s opinion, then do the opposite of that?
  7. No shit. Yet, here we are. Again, everytime I see it, I just shake my head and wonder what the hell he is thinking. He donates money to OU. Donates! WTF?
  8. My wife's boss is an Oklahoma State grad for both his Bachelors and Masters degrees, but wears nothing but OU clothes/hats/etc... He's explained how it works, but I cannot for the life of me understand his logic at all behind his loyalty (or lack there of).
  9. Yeah, I'm a "None of the above" kind of guy. It's been real and it's been fun.
  10. I am but a humble poster in this village, but will work very hard to obtain enough rep with which to ply you with, good sir. Until the 'morrow. Fucking this, dude. They MAY have had contingency plans in place, BUT none were anywhere close to thinking they would need them this soon. I bet at most they thought they would hear rumblings or maybe that they'd get a heads up from a reporter that found out and they would have time to put something together/ducks in a row, but not within 6 days time, homie. As Texas fans, we are still reeling from the news/change and are still trying to make sense of it and we are going to be fine. Sincerely, good luck. I never minded the Pokes or Cyclones and I hope they get into good situations now and down the road. Baylor, Tech, and TCU can eat a big shit sandwich. Do you know why? Because those dipshits are the shit-talkingest, whiniest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse and they thought they could keep talking shit thinking that we had to sit here and take it. Welp, let's see how that strategy works out for them. Like, Chris Rock said, "A man University is as faithful as his options."
  11. It's from the Lone Star Showdown twitter account. That was the stupid stat tracker that showed how badly Texas kicked the shit out of aggy each year, that they never won. Maybe they one once, maybe. Nobody really gave a shit about it.
  12. Yup, but what you can’t tell is this photo is from the back of the room, with every one staring at aggy waiting for their vote. Come on Figurelli, you can do it. We know it hurts, but you’ll be fine, you snaggle tooth dipshit.
  13. This is very well said and 100% truth. And, if the people gnashing their teeth are truthful with themselves they know it's been this way for a while now.
  14. @immamac we really need a yawn emoji. I'd also take an eye roll emoji for the passive aggressive folks.
  15. Who gives a fuck? It makes no difference. They can do it all game, just win baby. Also, Everyone hates Texas, so they play their little hearts out and really really try. We still win and they go home hating Texas. Rinse, Repeat. In order: 1. Yes they did. You are correct. 2. The neighbors hate your guts, but they like your pool and want to eat your food. 3. Yes they did. No it will not. (Everyone is who they are, dipshit.) 4. This dude's wife is unsatisfied and he smells his own farts. 5. Good, spend your money on something that returns a profit. 6. You got it, numbnuts. Nobody outside of your shitty town will care one bit if it goes away. 7. Yup! 8. Please go independent. Please? 9. You did this to yourselves. Reap what you have sown. 10. You thought that girl invited you to the party because she liked you? Nope, she was hoping your hot friend from Austin would show up to bang her. Hold our beer.
  16. I’m here for the gang bang. - Texas
  17. Fuck that. I will never rep or cheer for the conference. It’s Texas vs everyone else. The other schools don’t give a fuck about you and the It just means more bullshit means nothing unless you win.
  18. Damn, that's sad. I liked his coaching, even with Free Shoes University and all.
  19. See, this is the type of player that would go to an out of state school, do well, and you'd hear all about how Texas missed on them or couldn't close the deal. Suck it, out of state schools. Hook 'em, Austin!
  20. Cool. Didn’t mention being in Texas, but thanks for the pro tip.
  21. That’s the thing. These are random people I do not know or are unfamiliar acquaintances. They see the Texas hat/shirt and just start with the unrequested opinions about the team/coaches/schedule. I also do not engage them. My issue is that these motherfuckers are licking their chops like never before and are brazen enough to talk shit in public to a random person they don’t know about my favorite fucking team and alma mater. I want these dipshits to come close to the body, sniff around, then see our eyes focused on them and to have our fucking figurative hand around their collective throats before they know what the fuck hit them. Make them get the fuck back in their shitty once-a-decade motherfucking lane. These are not people that think. These are people that wait for their meathead friends to stand behind them before they start really talking shit. Pussies, to put it plainly. Also, not drunk. Might smoke later though. Rant over.
  22. I’m just ready for the season to start already. Every dipshit I run into that isn’t a Texas fan and discovers that I am, begins to pontificate about how bad our season will be and the levels of embarrassment awaiting yet ANOTHER head coach for the Longhorns that will most likely fail because of X, Y or Z. These motherfuckers need some god damn crow to chew, like fucking stat! Baseless arguments of hopes and dreams of Texas losing all our games and going away forever like it’s their wettest of dreams can fuck right off! These motherfuckers are whistling past the graveyard in their thought process and I’m ready to not talk shit or bring up their schools one bit because I don’t give enough of a fuck about them to waste my time. What I do want is to see these asshats at the end and smile knowing their dream turned into their worst nightmare because the Longhorns came out and imposed their will on CFB landscape and forced the issue. I’m not saying we win it all or get a conference championship but we are going to be a tough fucking out motherfuckers. Motherfuckers are gonna learn. Laugh now. Talk shit now. Get in as much as you can now. That is going to be a tough pill at the end of the season. Hate us, because they ain’t us. Hook ‘em 🤘🏼 motherfuckers.
  23. Every Aggy girl/wife I know is 2 bills for sure. Every Aggy mom I’ve ever met was over 2 bills.
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