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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Droopy

  1. Not saying you don't know this or deny it. It's sports. Every sport is a big business. Even small obscure sports that nobody goes to see has cheating in it. You add that mentality to a billion dollar business and you HAVE to cheat. At least if you want to compete. It's always so funny to me, in a sport that is America's past time, that people still get upset when a player or manager is caught cheating. Shit, the term "inside baseball" is used to define acceptable levels of cheating. The fact that Signs have to be used at all or that everybody covers their mouth when discussing the next pitch/play/strategy is another sign that cheating is prevalent. Baseball is a great game, but it's funny to hear people talk about keeping the sport free of cheating maintaining a level standard. The fields aren't even all the same. Just about all of them are different shapes and sizes. A homerun in this park is only a double in that one or a passed ball is a sure run here but in another town it's too close to home plate and the ball bounces back to the catcher too quickly to score. Some pitching mounds are wider than others. It's a crooked sport. Always has been, always will be. ...and for someone that works with attorneys all day, the answer above is...technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.
  2. I'm shocked, an aggy would try to ride the coat tails of someone greater. I'm sure he used the previous template for this powerful tweet, Tonight's news is similar to Texas The SEC ripping Chris Beard A&M away from Tech the Big XII. Not much the Red Raiders or Horned Frogs the Big XII could do when A&M and Texas The SEC came calling.
  3. Same, Row 6. 🤘🏼 Can’t wait to see the ‘Horns play again!! Lets. Fucking. Go.
  4. Regardless of attendance or who should have hosted where, it must FUCKING SUCK to sit at home (or in person but I doubt it) and watch some other teams punch their ticket to Omaha on your home field. I love Longhorn baseball but I could not imagine going to a game at Disch-Falk to watch two teams not named Texas punch a ticket to Omaha.
  5. This new trend of constantly picking up the front foot by the pitchers is bullshit and a balk. WTF?
  6. Kenny Powers with control issues
  7. Bottom 8, ODU 3 - Virginia 2
  8. Anyone gotten their (pre-ordered and accepted if Texas got to the Super Regional) tickets yet?
  9. Sorry, but that’s fucked up, even for Surly.
  10. Near? Arky = Aggy (Ozark Aggy)
  11. Morons don’t realize they’re morons.
  12. South Florida seems like they suck. Looks like it will be South Alabama.
  13. Esta. Lets. Fucking. Go. 🤘🏼
  14. Yeah, this was a say it’s over so the losing team starts to come back type of situation. Hope both teams have to go deep into their pitching.
  15. It will be ASU. Hope Fairfield can get them to use more pitching, if possible. It don’t make a shit as we are going to fuck stomp whomever plays us tonight but every little bit helps.
  16. Luck favors the prepared. We are prepared and good. This team has the potential to be great, if they can fix the same issues discussed above. Other top teams also have these same issues they deal with. The cool thing is I feel like Texas Baseball is a catalyst for the rest of our athletic teams that feed off the excitement. Here’s to winning the whole fucking thing and giving Sark and Beard the momentum they need. Texas athletics fucks. Hook ‘em!
  17. If these statements are true, then why the consternation? The good teams, which I believe we are, find ways to win and correct mistakes. Pierce is just not good as a 3rd base coach. Cam staying at 3rd last night and Campbell going home was dumb and both on Pierce. It’s money left on the table. Could it cause us issues against better teams? Sure, but this team is as complete a team as the 2002 team was. Two out hitting, pitching and defense is huge in baseball and we doing that. Those runs need to come in, but the team finds ways to get those back and then some. At the end of the day, we are debating luxury (nice to have) issues, which are good at this point in the season. 🤘🏼Let’s win today, get to the Supers and win 2 games and come back to debating when Texas gets back to Omaha. 🤘🏼
  18. Fucking glorious night of Texas Baseball. 🤘🏼
  19. Just finished mowing my yard and there is nothing in the blue clear sky. Hot af but that shit looks good. The delay works out for me as I’m taking a shower then heading down to Left Field. 🤘🏼My liver will be ready, damn the lightning.
  20. I just hope both teams have fun. By fun I mean I hope Texas kicks the dog shit out of ASU and scares the other schools away from the Disch. Hook ‘em! 🤘🏼
  21. Shows to be on LHN on my ESPN+ app @6p
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