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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Droopy

  1. Yeah. Very winnable game that we just couldn’t get the O going. Score in the bottom of the 8th to tie the game, only to give it back in the top of the 9th. OU sucks. I really hope this team gets a chance to have a rematch with one of the teams from the season opening tournament. We are completely different. 🤘🏼
  2. Aggy will money whip a coach so they can beat their chest and proclaim the worm has turned. I'd like Tadlock to stay at Tech. He's a good coach and makes the conference better. I agree with the point above that Schloss and Saar are better together than apart, so aggy would need to hire both, but that ain't happening.
  3. Darken that shit! This ain't Stillwater!
  4. Fair weather, in that, they where there in the beginning for the Friday game because it was a party and shit-talking fest that those chest beating bitches live for. They don’t care about the game at all. They care about being able to take out their tiny peen frustration out on Texas. When Texas won, they did what they always do, SHUT THE FUCK UP. Yesterday they were there but because it was a close game they didn’t have much opportunity to act like jackasses until the final out. Then they returned to form as if they really kicked our ass. But, the real fans of the team and game, came on Sunday to support their team instead of talk shit. The bitches that stayed home can suck my Longhorn dick and go back to not giving a shit until the next Texas Longhorn team comes to town to help them fill their seats. 🤘🏼Forever. Also, to the people wishing we had fans like that at the Disc can also kiss my dick. Loud is cool, but don’t be an asshole.
  5. I was searching for this exact gif. Nice job. “Who gives a shit? It’s gone.”
  6. I believe that others have mentioned it within this thread but don’t feel like looking for it, but the words, ”fair weather” were used. Also, fuck those douche bag ‘roach fans. 🤘🏼Hook ‘em.
  7. Winning cures all. The Disch, vs LSU was fucking loud and rowdy. When Texas is winning/playing well the fans come and get loud. People fall asleep in the Erwin Center and the football games is well documented.
  8. Lots of Ins and Outs and what-have-you’s but that was a hostile environment against one of the best teams in the country with a lot on the line. That’s how you, Texas Fight! Offense and Defense was great and clutch when it had to be. 🤘🏼
  9. RIP, #35. 🤘🏼
  10. Same. Decent call, poor execution. Gotta play D now.
  11. Let’s go, Witt!
  12. These fans need some humble pie in the worst way. Texas. Fight.
  13. I’m both intrigued and disgusted. Thanks for opening my eyes though.
  14. Good luck and Hook 'em!
  15. I loved Wane McGarity. I loved BJ Johnson. But, Marquise Goodwin is probably my favorite WR Horn. Roy, Sloan, Cosby, Shipley, etc..., etc... to many to list that may or may not have more highlights, but he was just so fun to watch and beat people. If he had a step, the defender could not make up any ground. Fast, reliable, and a badass human being.
  16. I need the backstory on this; Staged or legit tantrum? Honorable mentions: - guy being robbed by blue shirt and backpack on the left side. - Oklahoma State Cowboy fan in the bright orange shirt standing next to, what appears to be Brad Wesley, the villain from the movie, "Road House". - What is that food under the sneeze guarded island that nobody is going near supposed to be?
  17. I was speaking to the team as a whole overall, and not necessarily skill positions. But, as someone else pointed out, compared to the top teams we are lacking at some positions. My point was that we face teams all the time that despite our larger, in some case much larger, talent advantages we tend to play down to our opponent or not live up to our potential against those teams. I'd like to get back to a scenario where we are not discussing whether or not an all world ULaLa team is a potential loss, regardless of their returning starters et.al. We should be crushing those motherfuckers with impunity. TL:DR - Coach up/Develop players, regardless of stars and shit. See Brian Robinson.
  18. Do you ever yearn?
  19. I don't expect Sark to be a miracle worker, BUT my hope is that he will be able to come in and do more with less as opposed to what the rest of the college football world seems to think of Texas as perpetually doing less with more.
  20. Does that mean they basically have a "Bye" this weekend for some rest or is it possible that they could/would schedule another team, if possible? (If this is something that has occurred often this season, I've not paid much attention to it.) Sucks to lose out on games this time of year.
  21. Oh know, my manhood was questioned. I guess I’ll go knit in a corner while the men wax poetic about how Tech played a completely normal game and didn't have “web gem”-like catches in the outfield and timely hitting. Did you have anything to add to your point that Tech wasn’t playing above their mean, or does your frontal lobe only allow for contrived machismo bullshit when confronted with an idea you perceive as a threat? Enjoy the rest of your team’s season.
  22. Damn, sensitive. Does your outfield play out of their minds like they did on Friday? If so, congrats. I was just pointing out that they played a perfect game on Friday. Everything broke their way. Take a compliment. Not butthurt at all. I realize Tech is highly ranked and did what it took to win the series. See above, but their fielding and timely hitting was tremendous. Our pitch, which normally is tremendous, was not. I realize you're hyper sensitive when playing Texas and that any perceived slight is tantamount to a Texas fan kicking your favorite aunt, but try and understand what it was that I was saying before just assuming it was some back-handed compliment. Tech is good. They did what they had to do, which in my opinion, was play stellar defense and have timely hitting. Good luck, and I hope your team continues to shine, until we meet again.
  23. It do be like that sometimes. Speaking of that, if the rain doesn't stop the game on Saturday I feel like it might have gone our way, but Tech played above their mean. Some great plays in the outfield and timely hitting. Hopefully we get to say that the rest of the year. Here's to taking care of business in Ft. Worth.
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