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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Droopy

  1. Damn, is USC going to be UT-Southern California? All our transfers are belong to them. Cook wouldn’t surprise me either. Every report that comes out seems to have a blurb about him getting beat. Good luck and enjoy that California weather. 🤘🏼
  2. It seems this Tech team is just better than Texas. Hope we don’t get swept.
  3. Ha! Yes, except his map is hand drawn and not shit out of a printer. Also, The Smithsonian offered him $250k for it.
  4. Me too, however, with the weather being what it is we really needed to win the first game. Not sure they’ll get two more in.
  5. Still going today. Still wanting to watch us beat Tech. Still bringing a poncho. 🤘🏼
  6. Droopy

    RIP Juan Joya

    I still have all my teeth, except for my wisdom teeth, but have had this laugh prior to losing those. Sometimes it comes out fairly high pitched and that's what hurts the most.
  7. My grandfather was in the 2nd Armored Div in WW2 under Gen. Patton and was the .50 cal gunner on a tank. He never really talked about the stuff he saw or did until later in life, and then to only a select few people. I was in college at the time of his death and about 1-2 months before he passed he wanted to talk to me about his time in the military. I could tell that he needed to get stuff off of his chest and to, maybe, be forgiven a little and find some peace. Like most grandfathers, he was tough as nails and didn't take shit from anyone. Always calm, but he could stare right through anyone/thing and get his point across. I miss him. But after speaking with him and writing down some of his stories, I could tell he finally got a little of what he was looking for. Saying that the Nazi's did some messed up shit is an understatement, but his time in the French countryside was rough to say the least. Speaking of understatements, calling these people the "Greatest Generation" is one as well. Anyone that has to deal with war, and the effects of it, are special people in my eyes. My grandfather did not believe that he was special or great, but he told me that he fought because it felt like the right thing to do. He tried to watch Saving Private Ryan once, but had to leave in the first 10 minutes of the film. Too close to the real thing. Most of the stories are sad, but he did have one cool thing happen. As stated above, lots of poker playing goes on and at the end of the war he was sitting on a train playing poker with 4 other guys, one of whom was Gen. Patton's driver. He and my grandfather are the last two in the hand and my grandfather made an "all in" bet for the hand. Patton's driver was taped out, but said he had something that Patton was given two of and Patton didn't want them both and he would lay that on the table to square the pot. My grandfather asked what it was, and the guy told him it was some sort of fancy map. Grandfather argues back and forth, but finally agrees to the addition of the map to square everything. My grandfather won the hand and got the money, and "that map". My father knows more details about the map, but apparently it was commissioned and given to Patton to commemorate his campaign. Patton kept one copy and gave the other to his driver because he didn't need two. The map that Patton kept is in the Smithsonian and looks old and worn. My grandfather never took his out of the container it was in unless he took it to Fort Hood during reunions towards the end of his life. Before he passed, my grandfather gave the map to my dad stating, "It's worth some money, and I'd rather it go to someone that will appreciate it instead of selling it, like the rest of the family would." My dad had it framed later that week and it has hung in his home office since that day. It will be mine one day, and it will hang in my home office as well. A print of the map is below for reference. I can't find my photo of it, but will take one and post it the next time I'm over at my parent's house. Bless all those who fought in this war and the ones who still continue to fight. I forgot to add my grandfather's thoughts when I asked him about Patton. To the question, what was he like?: "The only time I got to speak to him was when he visited a group of us in the "hospital". Basically, he was pissed off that we (the injured) weren't well enough to get back out there. He would ask how guys were doing but really he was tryin to see who was well enough to go back out and fight. He asked me where I was from and if I was healing. He was an asshole and I didn't like him, but he was a tough son of a bitch." To the question of OU?: They suck.
  8. I got these two within the last two years (1/yr). Plan on getting another this summer. The "Swivel Knife" I got because I do leather work on the side and the artist that did it is a badass. Pricey, but his detail is just off the charts. As we say in the leather world, "Cheap work ain't good, and Good work ain't cheap." The "Tiger Sharks" or Calligraphy/Flourish tattoos were done because I love sharks, wanted a career in marine biology focused on shark reproduction (of which I had and there is zero money in), but mostly because I love the look of these tattoos. The swirling lines that get thicker and thinner as they go along is a really cool look/effect in producing an image. The Shark on the right had not been wiped yet so it looks grainy, but both now look like the Shark on the left. Both were done by local Austin artists at: Electric 13 Tattoo - Derek Martinez http://electric13tattoo.com/derek-martinez.php All Saints - Austin Taylor https://www.allsaintstattoo.com/austintaylor
  9. Droopy

    RIP Juan Joya

    <Not so CSB> I'm 44 and admittedly, no Spring Chicken, but I do consider myself to be familiar with lots of memes based on my own internet usage and having a teenage daughter (no pics) in high school. However, I've never heard/seen this meme or guy. What is interesting though, is that he and I share the exact same laugh. When I get really tickled, this laugh comes out of me and it sounds exactly like this guy. Friends will see me laugh and try to get me to do it, but it fucking hurts sometimes. R.I.P. Laugh buddy! I'll think of you when I'm laughing hard next time.
  10. Will be there early and slightly buzzed to root for the Longhorns to stomp the Raiders. Let’s do this thang! 🤘🏼🤬🤘🏼
  11. Man, the 2002 team was one of the best two-out RBI teams I’ve ever seen. I compare every Texas team since to that first Augie Texas national championship team. Hope this team can come up with some of that magic. and just like that Faltine pops up with bases juiced.
  12. That sounds like something FCB would say... 🧐
  13. I’ll be at the Friday and Sunday games this weekend. Let’s keep this party going and kick some Tech ass. I have a BIL to give a ration of shit to.🤘🏼
  14. Correct, however, the location of the pass indicates that Epps did not take the route or position he should have, which was inside. Assuming that the pass was accurate in this case, he should have taken the small amount of space given to him to cut inside after initial contact and catch the ball for a first down. Instead, he breaks outside after initial contact and continued to slap hands for some reason. Luckily, the talented CB didn't make the interception, but Epps failed to complete the relatively easy pass and catch for a first down. Given his size and reach, Epps should have taken his right leg and stepped inside and across the body of the defender putting his body and hands away from the CB allowing room to make the catch. Instead he pushes up field, without the need to do so, and initiates contact again which gives the CB the opportunity to use the sideline for protection and adjust his eyes quickly to the QB. Any number of issues can be extrapolated from this short gif, but considering that our receivers had a hard time creating separation last season... and for a while now, I'm more inclined to think it's a player issue and/or situational awareness failure. Some players have talent and athleticism, but don't understand the game or why they need to do small things to make sure the play succeeds. Maybe that is Epps' issue? I'm sure you weren't asking for this breakdown, just wanted to share my opinion on this particular route.
  15. Count me in for not letting people come back. No ill will, but once you've decided to leave the program, you should leave. If you are IN, be in all the way. If you are OUT, then be out all the way. We need players willing to buy in and put in the work and compete. If a player cannot commit to that and see it through, there is no use in trying to spend time developing them anymore. As for Epps, what could have been, I guess. He has a skill set, but he does not want to be hit at all. I have a couple of friends that are similar, in that they are large people, but avoid contact and don't understand their size/weight advantages. Good luck and thanks for clearing up a spot.
  16. The result blows, but still proud of the team and their accomplishments. Hook ‘em! 🤘🏼
  17. This is the dumbest fucking argument. If you don’t want to play the song, then don’t go to The University of Texas and join the band. If you do join the band, you have to play the song. It’s the school song, it should be played. Also, to the band members that want to be part of the band but don’t want to play the song, leave the band and find another marching band to play in. You’re not owed anything and you’re not special. “Now, Son, how do we get people to do what we want? Tell them, “I’m offended.” That’s right.” - Family Circus
  18. Just like in 2005... hope the outcome is the same for the team. Hook ‘em!
  19. Well, this way she can still say she didn’t eat the whole bag. 🙄
  20. Trying but need to get the sizes down. As is, they are too large on my phone.
  21. And to also re-establish our dominance and put the rest of the conference back in their place. We’re a rolling ball of butcher knives and will fuck your team up. The rest of our schedule is trying to figure out how to win on Sunday and not get swept. 🤘🏼Fuck around and find out.
  22. Yup, and nothing more than butt hurt about him picking Texas over Tech. They made a movie about it called, “He’s Just Not That Into You”
  23. I'll post pictures later, but I screened in my back porch. It's the best decision I've ever made and it's glorious. Clearly the best room in my house. TV, large out door sectional with comfortable seating that I can also take a nap on while watching Longhorn sports. I have trees that keep it cool, but two fans to keep the breeze moving. Also has two chairs and a small table to have coffee/breakfast at one end. I've had several buddies ask me to help them with theirs after they had contractors tell them it would be $7k+. With furniture, TV, door, etc... it cost me $1500.
  24. LMFAO. "I'm 'a shoot the fucker!" "What was it?" "A Bobcat attacked my wife!!" "A Bobcat?" "A Bobcat!!"
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