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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Droopy

  1. Fucking this. I can’t get any work done but I hate this thread with all my being. What in the actual fuck are they doing to my beloved fucking team?!?! Holy Shit! Where’s the Tylenol?
  2. Ok. I’d really fucking love to do just that. That’s why we’re here. Please little 8lbs baby Jesus let that happen.
  3. She likes DP, and I oblige. No pics.
  4. I'm a believer in VY as much as the next guy, but I was praying my little ass off when USC went up double digits. Do not tell me you sat there, in person or watching on TV, and didn't clinch your hands together and say a little something.
  5. This is what my 70 year old mother looks like at Texas home games screaming as loud as she can. Hook 'em, Momo!
  6. After reading this thread, I'm going to go spit out all of the vomit that came up several times while reading everyone's take. Fuck, this is awful. January 2009 to present, how'd we get here. Did we use up ALL of our prayers for January 2006?
  7. $1000 dishwasher. (Worth it) various cap/hats/shoes (eh, I like that shit ) marital aides ( I’m kinky (Surly)) random Amazon shit (doesn’t everyone?)
  8. I’m currently high right now, so my weed is so smooth right now. But, I’d guess that @thunderlounge has the best weed. here’s to getting our coach... and some more weed.
  9. My initial reaction was to go dress that mother fucker down, not hit him. Children are around and that is not something you do in front of children. It's a learning opportunity for everyone, but that being said. I would have absolutely got in that guys face and verbally crushed his soul, then called the cops to do their job and take that worthless a-hole away. What a horrible example of a coach. He should not be around any team or child again. Gross.
  10. CSB: I had a very vivid dream last night that I was somehow in attendance for the announcement of our next football coach. CDC came out and looked rundown. Everyone in the room looked happy and seemed to revel in our impending meltdown and ready to post their already penned article that the Texas faithful had to adjust their expectations. Then the lights dimmed and CDC got a big smirk on his face, he looks to his right... Urban walks through the door in burnt orange and takes the podium. Jaws on the floor and CDC pushes up his glasses in the direction of FCB and Bohls with his middle finger. It moved. Hook ‘em. 🤘🏼
  11. My dad does this. Not real sure how I feel about it, but he does it. Born in 1950, and a native Austinite.
  12. Fuck! We’re so good on Sundays too! Herman is doing everything wrong, imho.
  13. I will never, ever root against Texas. I also want to beat the shit out of KState and pay them back for all of the heartbreaking losses of the past. That being said, my well of support for Tom Herman is dried up and made me apathetic to my favorite team in the world and that pisses me off. if anything, I’m just ready for this disappointing season to end already and move on. I don’t care about playing for the NC, but Texas should play for the Conference Championship at least every other year. There is no excuse we shouldn’t and you can’t convince me otherwise. That was my issue with Mack and Charlie and now Tom.
  14. FWIW, I work in a legal office. My boss is GC and that guy has the best poker face on the planet. I have seen him on several occasions with all levels of information and audiences without even giving out a hint of knowing the details that people are asking/grilling him about. Just absolutely the best secret keeper I’ve ever known. Some people, especially at that level, just have that ability to hide the truth. Motherfucker’s reading comprehension is off the charts too, and if you’re reading this now, I promise I worked today!
  15. RR Dragon class of 96 here. Hoody’s is great!
  16. I hope CDC knows what he is doing. This shit is weighing heavy on my mind. This is truly a turning point for Texas Football.
  17. Yet, their coach finds a way to motivate his team to knock our primadonnas on their ass. Fucking so tired of our floundering. Mack, we’re sorry you fucking made us forc your shitty old hand but let us go from your shitty curse. Fuck! Can we please hire someone that will take this talent to the next fucking level?!?!?
  18. Droopy


    Yet, the coach is the only change, because Sumlin was getting the players and doing fuck all with them. You point to players but they’ve had them. It’s the fucking coach, and this just in... he doesn’t suck. They are doing what they should and We fucking aren’t. Fuck I hate Tom and want a change now! God damn it sucks watching our team flounder because we can’t get a coach worth a fuck
  19. Droopy


    This is what we are chasing. Deal with it, and it fucking blows. Those assholes have a coach, no matter how much they over paid and they are reaping the rewards. FML
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