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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Droopy

  1. Droopy


    Aggy is going to be in the playoffs before Texas and it makes me sick.
  2. Droopy


    After a shit game by the Horns and a long day of drinking, I pulled out a fresh packed Pax. High. Oh Tom. Fuck you man.
  3. "I'm stunned, I'm pissed" Because either way this game turns out, we are for sure going to be feeling this way. Hook 'em Horns, and impose your will upon the Cyclones. 🤘
  4. Nope, shot from the hip, Francis. Off the top of my head, Georgia, Utah, LSU, Oklahoma (2018 until Tom went Turtle and it took the kicker to do it.). Conversely, how many times have we had the more talented team only to get hit in said mouth and fold like bitches? (Too many to list. Thanks Tom!) We can go back and forth, but hoping for the other team's best defensive player to not play so we get a win is fairly weak, imo. You even hedged your statement with, "Don't tar and feather me,..." because you know it's weak. I'll take a win over a loss any day, but won't act like a bitch and hope the other team shows up limping. Did you cross your fingers on each hand and your toes when you typed that? 🙄 Happy Thanksgiving!
  5. Yeah, screw this thought. I want everyone's best shot with their best on the field. What a defeatist attitude and lack of sack. No tar, but damn, our fanbase needs a gut check and manhood restored. If we lose it should be because the other team was better and wanted it more. Fuck luck. Go out and impose your will on the team in front of you and make sure they know you are going to knock them down and will do it again if they get back up. Take the win, Pussy. 🤘😈🤘 Good, I hope he plays. Also, hope he regrets it. 😀
  6. From the 2011 game. The guy in the stands is not me, but I was SURROUNDED by Aggy family and friends and it may as well have been me. Hook 'Em, forever.
  7. This. Esta. Dieser. Questo. In any language, make the right decision for once and get this show back up and running. You talk about a sleeping giant? Mack, was able to close the borders enough, but a coach like UM could really lock that shit down enough to leave scraps for the rest of CFB. Texas forever. Hook 'Em!
  8. I like the 'Clones and @AI_4_ISU is one of, if not the, best non-Texas posters on the interwebs. I, for one, welcome our new coach gettin' overlords or a Longhorn win!
  9. I heard somewhere that missed tackles was an epidemic. So, yeah. Scares you to death.
  10. No way Sam loses his last game at home. Fuck me.
  11. He's an asshat, but he's not wrong. Fuck you, Tom.
  12. This. How is it that teams that consistently average 15-25 recruiting class rankings make our top 5 classes look like ass? MOTHER FUCKING COACHING. I’m looking at you CDC.
  13. This. Calls and no calls. Line judge takes two steps beyond the ball when aggy has the ball.
  14. First off, eat a dick. Second, the kid was a force his freshman year and the second half of the season teams didn’t throw to his side of the field. Now, he’s a liability most plays and can’t get around his own teammates in coverage.
  15. Caden Sterns fucking sucks. How does he go from a super star to dogshit in 3 years?
  16. I just get the feeling that this is the type of game that Herman wins. Not sure why I'm optimistic, but really won't shock me if we win. Maybe because it feels like a win/win situation. We win, great! We lose and Herman is done, great! Sam, will win this game.
  17. That and he MUST have written them backwards so the camera can see the plays written for the reader to see. What a GENIUS! or it was just some photo op bullshit to sell a shitload of magazines, which I'm sure worked like a charm. I know a lot a terrible coaches that can write plays on a whiteboard if you want. Tired of this fake ass bullshit. Stop preening and kick some ass on the field. Show me, don't tell me. And if the next savior is U.M., I hope he's not using it as a Texas pay day and proves he's one of, if not the, best college football coaches of all time. My dad and I don't always see eye to eye on a lot of stuff, but I'll tell you this for free, he knows bullshit when he sees it. When we hired Charlie and Herman, he looked at me and said, "The guy is in for a rude awakening if he doesn't have his shit together." Seems he was right on both counts.
  18. Honestly, I feel like it’s been worse than average. I don’t remember having so many mistakes, miscues, and boneheaded plays on special teams as we’ve had this past 10 years. Say what you will about Mack, that dude had his special teams shit together.
  19. Bet your tv is on the game by 2:35p and you're sitting in front of it. It's ok, we all need it. This shit is the best drug you can get and it's terrible in the lows and so very awesome in the highs. Vicious cycle of pain and stress that we are all addicted to. Longhorn Football: The Best Upper Ever Made
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