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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Droopy

  1. lol. Sorry you got irritated, but that OSU team would destroy that FSU team. This FSU team had a great season and went undefeated but they left the choice up to a committee instead of taking control of their own destiny. “Win and we’re in” signs were bullshit and the people that made them, that took them to the games, and displayed them during the games, knew that. They wanted it to be true but it just wasn’t. Is that fair? No, it wasn’t. Are these the best 4 teams? Probably. Will this get eyeballs to the TVs? 100% Esta. “…lost at the wrong time.” Ive heard this same phrase used when Texas was trying to get back in the game or with several other left out teams, and now the shoes on the other foot. Yeah, it sucks. We absolutely get it.
  2. As a lifelong Texas fan it pains me to admit this but Stone Cold is a guilty pleasure despite the skunk mulleted sooner. Riff Trax has a funny episode of this movie and it’s awesome. Fight me. Worst game ever. (Rage) I still have the program from that game because it was welded to my hand while sitting in my seat contemplating how we could’ve fucked that game and our trip to the Rose Bowl to play Miami. Motherfuck that game. 🤘🏼🤬 See above. Never heard as small of an opposing crowd as loud as Colorado fans were that day.
  3. Fight… … your relatives for food and watch football until the second meal begins. 🤘🏼
  4. Smoked a turkey breast, orange pepper. Wet brined and dry brined for 24 hours.
  5. Spot on, and hits close to home. Exactly. This becomes more evident with each passing day, and I am so very blessed to be a part of it. 🤘🏼 Esta. Like Walsingham did to the Bishops that conspired against Elizabeth. I’ll be shocked if they don’t show him on Godzill-tron and the boo’s don’t reign down. More Elizabeth quotes for Yormark, “You were the most powerful man in (the Big XII) and you could’ve been greater still, but you had not the courage to be loyal, only the conviction of your own vanity.” This. Despite our disdain for him, we should kill him with kindness and make him feel ashamed for the way he treated Texas on the way out. 🤘🏼Good night, and good luck.
  6. He hit his shoulder and the kicker saw it coming at him and did nothing to brace for the hit. That being said, that kicker has balls of steel to continue to go for the first down knowing he was going to get hammered. Respect.
  7. Just dropping in to say fuck Tech, and that I have a good Tech BIL, who is graciously taking me to the game on Friday. Hook’em Horns and Texas! Fight! 🤘🏼
  8. My favorite form of aggy tears is when they claim that something Texas did/does is easy and they could do it too, IF, they really wanted to. Aggy = Talented Mr. Ripley So desperate to be Texas they just can’t accept that, when given the opportunity to do what Texas does/did, they can’t replicate the results, no matter how hard they fuck those sheep. How many times do we have to see them talk about how bad the Big XII is, while they also forget what their record was when they were in it? How about the SWC? Aggy sucked in the SWC. Aggy sucked in the Big XII. Aggy sucks in the SECSECSEC… …and I’m sure they’ll suck in their next conference. 10-2? Probably 8-4, not an exaggeration either, GigEmJake17. 🤘🏼
  9. 17-1 next year bitches. Daddy’s coming home. 🤘🏼
  10. Not sure wearing Docs is practical for football, but I'll allow it. Minotaur isn’t wearing a helmet either, gonna be another 15 yards. Of course, this is all conjecture because of what he did with the ball and that ref’s poor rectum.
  11. Basically, anything to take my mind off my shitty job in corporate law.
  12. Elko sounds like Charlie Strong. Good DC but our D was not as strong as it could/should have been. Also, Austin radio: Jim Rome is going in on Aggy and their dipshit AD. lmao 😂
  13. “At the end of the day, this was all planned out this season and the administration was just waiting for the right opportunity to release Jimbo, in order to install the right coach. You see, Texas A&M had to show the CFB world that they could hire a National Championship winning coach and show the right level of support to entice all the other much better coaches that Texas A&M is willing to do whatever it takes to win, and win now. People that are shocked by this are living in the Capital and are so out of touch from what the real schools are doing to secure their National title hopes. Rinse and repeat. Stay tuned for the latest Looch 44, I’ll be dropping soon!” - Billy, probably
  14. Thank you for your honesty, @nnm. 😂
  15. @TreatyOak or @RamjetFDO, can one of y’all please add a “ ‘d ” after the “o” in Jimbo?
  16. I made an Orange Pepper smoked Turkey breast for a work bbq contest on Thursday that came out a beautiful burnt orange. It won chef’s choice and we took 1st place. Here’s to Texas doing that today in Ft. Worth. 🤘🏼
  17. Plus, just win the Big XII and give the most well deserved finger to this conference, our conference mates, and to all the bitch ass hoe haters that love to bitch about Texas. Whole finger, assholes. 🖕🏼🤘🏼
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