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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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About Herpa Derpa

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  1. Ozempic is a helluva drug
  2. Herpa Derpa

    We got Soul?

  3. Herpa Derpa

    We got Soul?

    Decades of touring and they entered the stage from opposite sides and never spoke a word to each other.
  4. I think your prediction is a bit too extravagant for his talents.
  5. I have a thing for watching Youtube videos of SovCits and the like who think like you do. The takedown/tazing is always the best part.
  6. Life comes at runs over you fast
  7. fixin
  8. probably next Tuesday.
  9. Withnail and I is a forgotten gem of a movie.
  10. The funniest thing on this thread is the claim that Gillis works in nuance. His comedy is lazy, simple, and obvious. The monologue was what I would expect to see at the first show on a Friday night at Chuckles Comedy Hut. There's zero insight or barrier pushing in his bits, just grabbing the fruit that already fell off the tree.
  11. Coach Oscar Mayer. Everybody loves an OM winner. All franks, no bread.
  12. They better hurry up, he's already got the job per his wiki. Neal Brown Brown at 2015 Sun Belt Media Day Current position Title Assistant coach Team Texas Conference SEC
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