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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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About Herpa Derpa

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  1. It is impressive Helo manages to remove all doubt every time he speaks. So he's got that going for him.
  2. I believe you are describing insanity.
  3. There's a joke about ska somewhere in this post.
  4. It warms the heart to see the nation come together to drag Hackstreit during this holiday season. God bless us, every one!
  5. This seems really hard for some folks to understand. RT had to be given the job under the circumstances and was given a fair chance to show he could bring more than expected. That chance is coming to an end bar a miracle run. It was always going to be a paint-by-numbers picture. CDC just has to finish it and Texas can move on to the next canvas.
  6. Boise losing in Eugene by 3 on a last second FG.
  7. Tie it to the luxury tax. Winner not subject to first apron restrictions the next year or something like that.
  8. Scrap the ASG. Move the NBA Cup final to that point in the season and have a full weekend of festivities with 3 point and dunk contests the prior night. You can fête the all-stars with a halftime ceremony.
  9. I don't need an annual Tree series, but would love west coast trips to Stanford, Fullerton, Long Beach, Irvine, etc. on the regular.
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