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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Herpa Derpa

  1. I trust CDC to make a top tier hire that will end all talk about the mid tier guy he just handed a golden parachute.
  2. It can still be done.
  3. In the midst of life we are in debt et cetera
  4. Will it hurt you or impact your life or self-worth in some way unknown by the rest of us?
  5. The Relapse Guy Is It Date Rape?
  6. West Virginia, brother. That's the whole trailer.
  7. Would be an interesting exercise to pick which singular skit is the best for each of the above. Not sure it would be possible. Hell, even agreeing on the best character for most would be futile.
  8. One can experience some really severe foot issues if not wearing decent shoes.
  9. It was...in 2017.
  10. I'm convinced that's why George made the rule in '76. It was the 1970's when hair was grown everywhere to the max. George couldn't grow facial hair which was a hallmark of masculinity at the time. So nobody else was going to allowed to grow a 'stache or beard and make him feel less masculine. That's right, Helobotomy, your super special hair rule didn't exist until the seventy-third year of the franchise. 72 years of the Yankees being a classless organization that allowed facial hair. Right?
  11. Fixed that.
  12. No disrespect for the Orientals.
  13. One of my all-time favorites with him. Takes a bit but so worth the payoff.
  14. That's why you keep Bosley around.
  15. BOW in real world: This fucking cunt gets it. But was it a schwining tradition?
  16. You prefer arms getting fucked up at the beginning of the season?
  17. 2009 was won on the bat of admitted cheater Alex Rodriguez. The prior run was during the height of the steroid era and feature numerous players that would admit to using PEDs. And that's not including the obvious ones that were to cowardly too admit they cheated. Cough, Roger, cough. Graig Nettles, star of the Yankees 1977 and 1978 World Series champs, was discovered as a cheat when his bat broke and six superballs came bouncing out. Whitey Ford admitted to scuffing and using illegal substances on balls when pitching in the World Series. BTW, Ford was on the Yankees World Series teams that won in 1950, 1953, 1956, 1958, 1961, and 1962. So with a quick google search, I found at least 11 Yankee titles that are tainted by cheating. That's 40% without even breaking a sweat. Finally: $100,000 fine for stealing signs you stupid cunt. Your Cashman for Clunkers teams are just too shitty to win when they cheat now.
  18. Don't forget rock dumb and racist. You're a triple threat. MMA rose in stature because boxing corrupted itself into irrelevance. The audience was always there and just shifted from one form of 1v1 combat to another. That's a sport as old as the species. The talk about WBB being the next huge thing reminds me about how soccer will soon dominate the nation. Been hearing that one my whole life. And I'm pretty old.
  19. Which is worse, to bust without ever mattering, or to have the NFL golden ring in your hands only to piss it all away a la Ramonce Taylor? Start the thread.
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