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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Herpa Derpa

  1. And never seem to realize the douchebag shittery is coming from inside the cult. The only consistent thing about aggy is they can't handle themselves with any class or decorum for any moment or event. Ever. They will always aggy it up.
  2. I'd rather have a pumper than a plumper.
  3. Thursday will tell us whether there is a real issue. No reason to play him the last three games while he healed.
  4. Sigh. The sweet science is snuffed.
  5. I see fat people. Death, taxes, certain Surly poster meltdowns
  6. Should be no need for him over the next two weeks so let him heal fully before New York.
  7. Going down the only road we've ever known.
  8. Probably. But trying to get me to feel bad for ladies at lunch is a losing battle. Decent odds they were terrible people that deserved a little cruelty in their lives. A little embarrassment now and then is a good thing.
  9. What's the harm? The women have to pay for the dinner they were already going to pay? Stupid, yes. Unfunny, yes. Harmful, no.
  10. Blitt is just an inveterate liar who should be rightly ignored every time he opens his mouth. He's harmless. Memet is on the fast track to a breakdown. His warped view of himself and others is a true danger if he ever loses his tenuous grip on reality.
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