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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Herpa Derpa

  1. Only 2 out 112 teams have gone First Four to Final Four. That's just blind chance.
  2. Probably ended when they started hooking up with scrubs.
  3. It's really not that hard. You go to ESPN, click on the Watch link, click on the Schedule link, click on Baseball in the drop down, click on your game, enter your TV provider log in, Easy peasy. If it's too hard, maybe the internet isn't for you.
  4. There's a multiverse where the janitor brought the boxes Naismith asked for instead of peach baskets and everyone is playing boxball.
  5. been fucked the last couple of years.
  6. Same, but watching the trailer on IMAX was spectacular. Felt like I was on the track making the turns.
  7. I'm willing to be drained by all of them. Even at the same time if they're insistent.
  8. It's not every year you can say with certainty you were at the very least the 69th best team in the nation.
  9. Spring in the southeast means rain every weekend. Be ready for anything.
  10. That's an awful lot of words to just say derp.
  11. Just another reason not to have pre-season rankings. Rankers take weeks to admit their obvious mistakes. Ranking any team with a first-time head coach as #1 before they even played a game was fucking amateur hour. Just a staggeringly stupid position to take. But aggy gonna aggy and always believe the bullshit they tell themselves. Even the seemingly normal aggy like Kendall. He's shown himself to have subconscious biases which affect his analysis.
  12. It was a decent little sci-fi flick. Over two hours but probably could have used a bit more exploration of the themes. I kept feeling there were missing scenes or dialogue that would have solidified everything. One thought I had based on the comment "two time loser" about the Ruffalo character was that it was intended to be a veiled caricature that had to be altered in editing with the election outcome. But it was also a fairly generic slimy politician. Those teeth.
  13. Barnes would still be at Texas with Izzo's career.
  14. don't leave out the racism.
  15. Oh, look at Mr. I Never Start a Confrontation is desperate for some attention. No one asked you, cunt. Since you've apparently got your incel brain in a twist, post #2015 you pathetic fuck is a couple of paragraphs about the nuance of his humor. I also never said a word about his politics, just his third grade level approach to a topic. Not surprised you're a fan of a lazy fat fuck that tells obvious jokes for simple people. That you actually think his humor goes over anyone's head is only showing your own room temp IQ. Once more you've proven you're a sad little boy that can't handle anything that disrupts your carefully constructed bubble of (in)security. What are you now, about 40 years old and still can't tell the difference between fact and opinion and still can't handle when someone disagrees with your kindergarten thoughts. Get fucked and keep my posts out of you self-obsessed world.
  16. There were times with my ex when I would have preferred living under a highway.
  17. Ozempic is a helluva drug
  18. Herpa Derpa

    We got Soul?

  19. Herpa Derpa

    We got Soul?

    Decades of touring and they entered the stage from opposite sides and never spoke a word to each other.
  20. I think your prediction is a bit too extravagant for his talents.
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