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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Herpa Derpa

  1. Yep. Should be a good finale. Only pair left that is really weak is the Toxic Twins. Which means one of the other three teams will get eliminated next week because that's just how it goes. My money is on Rod and Tish to slip up.
  2. The smart ones left long ago.
  3. It has a corporate sponsor, fo shizzle.
  4. Someone else in town might see that number as a reasonable place to start the negotiation. Will Hal and Cashman be willing to blow the doors off?
  5. Indiana State athletic department having themselves quite the year.
  6. Wouldn't mind sticking it to those Cackalacky inbreds again.
  7. Vanity can be a bitch. She didn't look too bad up until the most recent hatchet job.
  8. Well, I thought someone in this house ought to be having sex. I mean with something that doesn't require batteries.
  9. Fuck yo kids. They ain't special and I ain't gotta treat them or a parent otherwise. Respect my choice is a mantra for idoits. Don't want to hear it about your spoiled brat? Don't raise morons.
  10. His type doesn't assess reality like you and I. A raging narcissist is incapable of self-correction or reflective thought. They never see the fall coming because they are incapable of thinking it could ever happen to them. For the HOF narcissists like Deion, they have never failed at anything in their life. If something didn't work, it was someone else's fault and failure. He will walk away from a dumpster fire when he leaves Colorado and it will all be someone else's fault the program is in no better shape than when he arrived.
  11. No worries. Furiosa will give you that needed dystopian hue.
  12. If there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say.
  13. I take exception to your painting the population with such a broad brush. In fact, if you look at the long-term versus short-term trends regarding...ooh shiny...what are we talking about?
  14. ugly on the inside too
  15. You say that like they could actually work a real job.
  16. I think his best chance for a better opportunity was last year. He's now shown he won't put in the work necessary for a Tier 1 coaching job and that will show this year and the next. A flim flam man has to strike quick before reality rears its ugly head.
  17. Not in my power but I say go for it.
  18. Nah, just some type of generic strategery plan where some Californians apparently got fooled into hiring a jackwad to oversee their incubator.
  19. We just using real names now? Because I have a few things to say to you, Donny. note: I know no one named Donny. If you are named Donny, I was not talking about you. So fuck off, Donny. Yes, that was directed to you, Donny.
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