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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Herpa Derpa

  1. Meh, would rather have interconference pools. Mix the shit up.
  2. I'd take offense at that comment but I don't really have the energy.
  3. Is it gauche to wear a Beatles shirt while hanging with Paul? Kinda like wearing the band shirt to the concert, imo.
  4. Not a flagship. UA, ASU and NAU are all under one BOR since 1945. 100 or so pages back should have told ya.
  5. Lee Atwater is the name y'all be looking for. /cr Occam is clean shaven again.
  6. He does indie folk rock in Canada now.
  7. Now imagine it coming from the real Kitty. Something tells me her bite really hurt when she wanted.
  8. So Stanford guy flirts with Miss State before ending up at aggy. Guess he was done with school.
  9. The first time I saw this video as a kid I thought to myself, "man, that guy is old talking about when he was young". Now I watch it and think to myself, "man, I am old, Bruce looks like a kid."
  10. On the bright side, Swedish women hugging.
  11. Skinny had the mental edge and was first out of the blocks. But then he had to rely on the physical and that was all she wrote.
  12. Oh yeah. That's some hot scramble. I'll be in my late night dark room with headphones.
  13. I'm more intrigued by Jew Mexico. Is there a large Hassidic community in Taos previously unknown to me?
  14. Need to target the Fast & Furious crossover crowd for the big bucks.
  15. $20 mil per year? Mostly streaming?
  16. You might want to sit down. https://nypost.com/2023/06/30/jeff-van-gundy-let-go-amid-espns-big-name-layoffs/
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