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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Herpa Derpa

  1. He just said his kid you sexist/homophobic pig. The kid might prefer HunkOMania at Rio.
  2. If Surly were a room, he wouldn't be wrong.
  3. Billions violently revolt when the shelves are bare and the reply is to be more virtuous and consider their diet. Sheeple don't consider the virtue of a Victory Garden when baby ain't got no supper. As a fellow prick, I do appreciate the fat shaming sprinkled on top of the condescension though. The world hit 1 billion in 1804. Took 130 years to double that. Then just 44 years to reach 4 billion. Hit 8 billion last year and will be topping 10 billion within the next 36 years. That's taking however many thousands upon thousands of years to reach 1 billion, but just 250 years to reach 10x that amount. 10,000,000,000 open mouths. People who argue that the farming norms of the first 12,000 years are still applicable and useful in the very near future are incapable of participating in a rational discussion of the issues. Or they truly don't mind to watch billions die so they can feel intellectually superior in their moral absolutism.
  4. down low gone wrong? Married dude comes back to clear up loose ends after moving to the absolute other end of the country. Doubtful it was for anything business related as tech bro wouldn't need actual presence in the city to do that, so a personal agenda more likely the reason for the visit. Dinner, break-up, car ride, fight ensues, passions flare, knife cuts. If something like that, it's a story as old as time.
  5. You have Hunter get the descriptions from the chef while they make the dish and then the Pardo reads the chef's words. Cuts Simon/Justin and gives Hunter something productive to do with his life. Two birds.
  6. At the moment. Petrino has been around long enough to know the power players will come to him after the first Jimbo in-season fuck up and initiate the conversation. He literally doesn't have to lift a finger and he's next in line.
  7. Sonof36, duh. And tomorrow, a different poster can hold to the aggy code and honestly say "we've all read that Bobby is #1 game day OC in the biz". It's not a lie if you believe it.
  8. He wasn't. Per Craig there was a delay due to an issue with the softball field video.
  9. I beg your pardon?
  10. No idea. Per Craig, Pierce wasn't allowed to come back for the post-game. Blue throwing Pierce a stare down before taking off his mask and doing a Come At Me Bro! towards Pierce is what I see. EK should know better.
  11. One is hopeful it means this entry is not targeting tweens.
  12. We're addicted to glove.
  13. Fantastic doc that won Oscar. Director also won another for American Dream about a Hormel plant strike in Minnesota. No idea where one would see it these days. Fellow Texans might be familiar with her Dixie Chicks doc Shut Up and Sing (currently streamable with ads on Pluto).
  14. Howard can only relate to fellow malignant narcissists. Dice took off the jacket and self-reflected. Howard, Billy, and the like never do that so when others do, it makes them uncomfortable and they avoid being around such people. The Dice impersonator allows Howard to interact with his stagnant thinking and pretend he's evolved by protesting something the impersonator says instead of a true conversation with the real Dice that would force Howard to face his own past of misogyny and homophobia. All you have to worry about with Billy is to stroke his ego enough that he'll stroke yours back. They can remind each other that everything they've ever done was great and meaningful and any failures were someone else's fault. While conveniently ignoring the pile of broken careers and actual bodies that is their human legacy.
  15. TIL the number of posts on a topic directly equates to one's knowledge on the topic.
  16. Solid Tuesday win over a lesser program.
  17. This is really where the focus should be. Wilson, Bowen, Lauren Adams, Aniston, Decker, Meester, Beckinsale, Biel, Chriqui, Barrymore, Bello, Hayek, Vega The man knows how to fucking cast a co-star no matter how shitty a movie it may be. To my bunk!
  18. I could be doing with less grammar lessons.
  19. Intelligent people constantly change their subjective unproven opinion based on the latest data point. It's just good thinkin', my dude.
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