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Everything posted by Poolflood

  1. If I had to guess you're getting Jandy. I think they've been the farthest behind.
  2. Svc is going to be 200/month for a while and on inspection - what G Bang says is correct What BTW says. If looks like power is going to be out for an extended period of time, turn off breakers and open every piece of equipment you possibly can... chlorinator, drain plugs, pump lids, air relief... open everything like it's S Austin's mom. Ummm yeah. Supply chain is a thing. But it is getting dramatically better. If you're at deck but don't have equipment yet.... that may not be a good sign. What's the excuse for that? 5 months from dig?
  3. He's going to franchise brothels in Vegas and strip clubs and massage parlors around the county: Its Ass, My Dude.
  4. Would seem to undercut the rationale. I doubt there would be such a reason for asbestos handling/exposure.
  5. If it's a rule imposed on employment then that's a negotiation between those 2 parties. If work-place in and of itself is the issue, why stop at 100 employees? Does osha not have regulations re asbestos for ALL workplaces regardless of size?
  6. Which is why I said that. I don't have the time or energy to troll.
  7. If it's a non-starter why did you start with it?
  8. So I've got an invite to Zihuatanejo. Any recommendations?
  9. We should go for something significantly cuter imo
  10. Your assumption is that no vaccine has had any deleterious effects on the vaccinated. When, unless I'm incorrect, every vaccine has had some measurable side effect, however minor on the population as a whole.
  11. But if it's not unique to the workplace how does OSHA contro. I get the WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING NOW, but at what cost to federal overreach. But lol I'm still bitching about wickard.
  12. Look, when I say I'm just asking a question, I'm seriously asking a question. If the OSHA mandate is within the scope of OSH act and not just a workaround, why did they limit to companies with 100+ employees and not all employers? Are there OSHA regulations that limit to employee size. If it's an issue with all employees, why the limitation?
  13. In light of unprecedented circumstances Chuck cedes all to the administrative state. But seriously I appreciate opinion and will continue to ruminate.
  14. So there was another plant fire in New Jersey. Will stress an already broken supply chain. Back in the day - couple years ago - 50# tabs wholesale cost me less than 79$/50#. That same 50# bucket is north of $200. It's going to go closer to $300. Never been a fan of UV or Ozone but in this environment it may be worth it. Salt systems are going up. Last I heard was 50% due to raw material cost increases. Especially ruthenium.
  15. Agree to disagree. As much as I loved Sotomayor's arguments in the recent abortion cases, I found her arguments lacking and counter productive in the OSHA case.
  16. I certainly want the federal government to set parameters the states work within. I'm not sure your reference to the FDA specifically, but will infer it's beyond and above state control/regulation with respect to interstate commerce. To me the OSHA mandate exceeded it's authority AND the individual states have sufficient control/authority to take action.
  17. Or the court said the administrative state/executive over reached on established law. Agreed. So can we not leave it up to the states if the federal is so broken? I was kidding. I'm certainly not on here enough to keep tabs and my assumption is good faith. Obviously I didn't come across correctly.
  18. Seems to me the major doctrine argument applies here.
  19. Lol. But they write the laws and turn over to bureaucrats. Can we at least keep those unelected in their narrow lanes?
  20. So DDD is pro fascism. Noted.
  21. It's all calvinball. But I don't think the agencies should be making up the rules. That's the job of the worthless fucks that are elected.
  22. And Dade county leads Florida in vac rates.
  23. https://reason.com/volokh/ Couple good articles here, without fake news. Put oral arguments on background yesterday. Very passionate questioning from Sotomayor, Kagan and Breyer. OSHA mandate going down. Healthcare worker mandate will stand.
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