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Everything posted by Poolflood

  1. In on 777 and flew on 777 back from Maui last week. /csb
  2. The bag game out in the open.
  3. They're * ya moron.
  4. The only reason they won 8 was their D. I think their replacing 5. Couple that with no D coordinator and a new QB ( again) and not even getting to replace Slo will get them to 7 wins.
  5. Wow - Starting MMWR week 48, MD data are temporarily removed from weekly rate calculations. or put that they pulled a chunk of data out and left a footnote, in bold, that I missed.
  6. Thanks. Seems to be a massive data lag esp considering they're both from the same website.
  7. Ok, thank you. I've been sourcing https://gis.cdc.gov/grasp/COVIDNet/COVID19_5.html#virusTypeDiv What am I missing?
  8. Personally I'm a fan of borates. Unfortunately only one brand is readily available to consumers and its expensive. I'm not a fan of TFP but hear they have a borate "recipe"
  9. Ballsy. We won't know, as sawbonz mentioned, for a couple of weeks but we're seeing positive cases spike as hospitalizations decline.
  10. Yes. Now show me that the hospitalization rate. Make a back of the envelope calculation.
  11. I've shown you mine, you show me yours. My original post responded regarding a covid free 75 yr old. You can assume he's going to get, but we're not there yet. Of course he would be safer with a booster. But I was talking about the case at hand.
  12. I responded to original post about a parent's stubbornness. There's no guarantee he'll get the virus and if he does hospitalizations for that age group are small.
  13. I made some generalizations. But 5% for a 75 yr old even with comorbidities doesn't seem supported. That 75 year old is in the 75-84 year olds. Current 7 day average is 16 in 100,000.
  14. I'm not sure what you're arguing? Do you?
  15. So bookman's dad is part of the population. High estimate of hospitalization? 1%? 4%?
  16. I assumed a lag for recent data - hence the 4/10,000 from a month ago. If you go with cumulative wouldn't that skew number as the original virus and delta hit the elderly harder?
  17. I believe it's rate of hospitalizations for that age group. And it's significantly "better" to get omicron than delta for that age group as hospitalizations are a smaller percentage.
  18. I didn't mean to come across as flippant.
  19. You're correct. And if all hospitalizations for the age group are unvaccinated or j&j then I guess the number would be 4/1000?
  20. https://gis.cdc.gov/grasp/covidnet/covid19_3.html
  21. That Bookman's dad has a very small chance of serious effects from covid. Looked up recently for my dad.
  22. Oh, well there you go! Look my dad's about the same age. He's been triple vaxed and in generally good health but I certainly worry about him. If you have different statistics I would like to see them.
  23. Well it is on the high side for CDC data. But who trusts those fuckers - amiright?
  24. He's probably right. If you lump him into the 75-85 group current hospitalizations are at like 4/10,000.
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