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Everything posted by Poolflood

  1. 42$/yr is perfect. No adds if you pay Don't give a shit about rep system but payments shouldn't exempt someone from being banned. Don't care about tailgate but maybe extra coin can fund original content like was at TOS like Bourbon's film review. Oh and members only NSAA.
  2. Poolflood

    Great Quotes

    yippee ki yay mother fucker
  3. The answer is 42. The answer is ALWAYS 42, but then again I'm fucking old...
  4. First, would love to buy you a beer one day. Regarding your sixth point would (if ever argued) the 9th amendment have been a great deterrent to Wickard/Filburn if not 8 of the 9 scotus judges not been appointed by FDR? The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people
  5. Close. Flux capacitor installation/removal tool for an '81 DeLorean. The '82 version comes with a straw to snort coke.
  6. I can see you are a deep thinker.... These are eternal issues that shake the very foundation of our existence.., especially #'s 4 and 5 But I may be intoxicated
  7. only 50% of Candi's Cuckold Class is "blue chip"
  8. and 9 of those 13 are 4*. pushing 70% "blue chip". fuck Jimbo Fisher.
  9. Has it been mentioned on this page that the Missouri quarterback is a gaping pussy? If it hasn't it needs to be mentioned that the Missouri quarterback is a gaping pussy that has about a half of ton of sand in his previously mentioned gaping pussy.... so if there is any question. Mizzu qb is a gaping pussy with an excess of sand if anybody asks.
  10. Poll numbers on scotus nominees are retarded. Don't disagree with crux of article but slamming poll numbers is stupid. Do we really want Court nominee appointments dictated by morons answering the phone during dinner?
  11. Going home to Norman would be like McCain "going home" to Vietnam.... But I may be biased
  12. I can fap to this
  13. Oh hell they ain't that soft. Two time offender. That's like a full half....
  14. Can't let this get to the second page without saying "fuck that bitch"
  15. Desean finally read his contact. Figured out he wasn't a gazillionair. Tried to blame his agent who promptly blamed TH.
  16. Statistics.... You left out statistics
  17. Siap. Heard recap on NPR and Trump still spouting FBI hasn't had access to DNC servers so no "proof" Russians hacked dnc. This fucking is flat out lie, correct?!
  18. The centralization of power in DC is the real issue
  19. The Senate is fine. We are a union of individual states.
  20. Cool. Gonna happen this Friday? Next Friday? Friday after next? The Friday after that? Fucking get 'r done
  21. The National Poetry Contest last year came down to two finalists. One was a Duke University Law School graduate from an upper crust family; well-bred, well-connected, and all that goes with it. The other finalist was a red-neck from Southeast Tennessee A & M. The rules of the contest required each finalist to compose a four-line poem in one minute or less and the poem had to contain the word "Timbuktu". The Duke graduate went first. About thirty seconds after the clock started, he jumped up and recited the following poem: Slowly across the desert sandTrekked the dusty caravan.Men on camels, two by twoDestination Timbuktu.The audience went wild!! How, they wondered could the red neck top that?! The clock started again and the red neck sat in silent thought. Finally, in the last few seconds, he jumped and recited:Tim and me, a-huntin' went.Met three whores in a pop-up tent.They were three, we was two,So, I bucked one and Timbuktu. Grandfather told me a version of this joke 35+ years ago
  22. Ain't reading the last dozen pages. So the indictments today are realistically the equivalent of Patton's JAG indicting Rommel's 12 best captains in North Africa?
  23. K. So you're saying it's gonna be close, but will probably happen but... Might not happen if something else happens. Fucking in-depth analysis.
  24. Popping in to say Fuck Chip Brown hasn't been said on this page yet FUCK CHIP BROWN
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