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Everything posted by Poolflood

  1. pentair rebel Hayward aquanaut Polaris 280 is pressure side cleaner
  2. Yeah I'd go to pep or fwp and see if they'll get you sub names. Pool plumbers will do the gas. Probably Pep (pool electrical products) is probably best bet for pool electrician. From the subs you hire you can probably get recommendations for gunite, tile/coping and deck. Sorry you had issues with your original contractor
  3. Ok I'm not even gonna ask.... If you just need gas run get the phone book. There's nothing special. Yellow pages. So is your pool already through stub out and long plumb? If yes, they should have done the gas as well -.call them first. If not, call a local distributor (SCP, SPP, PEP, FWP) and beg for a recommendation. Electric depends on automation. Fuck it. Ask one of the above for your area. Probably PEP is best. they have a tight relationships with plumb and electric. Good luck
  4. Two distinct trades. What do you need done?
  5. Any updates?
  6. So daughter is going into 8th grade. Just pull this shit together so UT is on her radar in 3+years God damn it!!!!
  7. Is this the thread for dudes who like pie?!
  8. Nobody gets rear ended unless Case is there to film...
  9. Jhfc. 5 pages in 4 hours for this shit? 61 days..... 61 days.....
  10. So he's learned nothing in his 3+ years in howdyland? Seems about right.
  11. Add the AZ schools, Colorado and Utah if and only if the revenue increases by current payout per school ++. Would have to be north of 140mm I guess
  12. Our D will wreck shop in this game. Our O will be maddening at times but score enough we win by double digits.
  13. Whisperflo? Good pump.
  14. Leslie's, home Depot. Just make sure it's #20 silica. And check filter specs to see if there's recommendation for gravel to cover the laterals. Speaking of which, empty the filter prior to buying the sand and inspect the laterals to make sure they're in good shape. Save a trip
  15. http://www.scotusblog.com/2018/06/potential-nominee-profile-don-willett/ Don Willett. I want this fucker on the court.
  16. Adams, Hays and Harrison... All concur you should post less. Bush is too busy painting ugly watercolors
  17. Are you proposing an either/or scenario? That's different than what I was speaking to. Your argument seems boil down to that the fetus is dependant (at this point in time and it won't matter in the future) on the mother's aquiescence. But realistically all newborns are dependant on their caregivers......where does that leave us?
  18. And where I uncomfortably end up. I don't necessarily agree that it's "right" but it's "right" right now...
  19. That pragmatism is focused on the fetus. What about the woman? Expand on that. The woman is still alive postpartum? I've left out the child/mother issue. That's a different decision. I'm not saying it's trivial, just a separate discussion.
  20. So if "viability" is a function of science and we're making these decisions that have ethical implications based on the current state of science.... where does that leave us? I think we can agree that at point X in time science will allow conception come to a child. Are we "wrong" at this point in time to allow that conception to be terminated? Because we are limited by today's science? Is it purely a pragmatic decision?
  21. Fair enough. But a viable Pod/pool is different today than it was 20 years ago or will be in 20 years.Does this change the morality/ethics of the decision?
  22. So if you were in a coma with a heart beat and brain function but on life support... Can we extinct you?
  23. This is an obscenely horrible topic so why not take it to the nth degree. I'm generally pro-life. Two kids I hope one day attend UT as I did. Your wife is raped and becomes pregnant... 6-7 weeks later there is a heartbeat.... Is an abortion an option? If it is an option at that point in the case of rape, are other instances precluded?
  24. If you have a ton of trees dropping leaves I would consider. Otherwise I would avoid. Most systems were designed and manufactured based on Arizona environment- dust and small debris. They were bulked up for other markets. Get a 280 or robotic. You'll spend a ton less money with little noticeable difference. If builder is trying to sell you on water movement/chemical distribution there are cheaper ways to achieve this without putting an extra 100+ feet of pvc under your pool.
  25. Houston has a phenomenal softball pool of talent. I know a number of former D1 players who coach in and around and when they talk about aspirations for their kids, Texas is never in the conversation. Hopefully this will change.
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