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Everything posted by TheRealRonWeaver?

  1. Is Battered Aggy Syndrome terminal? Cause this fucker's might die soon.
  2. I watched that game while I was in L.A. If I remember correctly, there was a small earthquake the next day.
  3. I want you to go to jail for reposting that.
  4. *sneaked into Yes, I’ve seen the Conan-Jennifer Garner video. So many Ags pronounced “forte” as “for-TAY” that the dictionaries started making all sort of exceptions. William Safire RIP
  5. Despite the final score, still sounds like hell to me.
  6. Am I correct, it’s named for a Longhorn?
  7. Thank you. Where do I send my $9.95?
  8. Is this the CFB version of Sidd Finch?
  9. More receptions and yards than I had in college and law skool combined. Unless you count intramurals.
  10. For $19.99, I can make my own goddamn sandwich.
  11. They're hiding with the Loochie 44.
  12. I feel bad for this kid. He could've been something, probably.
  13. Wow. Not only extremely racist, but...didn't they already try the barber shop thing?
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