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Everything posted by TheRealRonWeaver?

  1. From a guy posting in a thread about a worried nation watching with bated breath: Whatever will happen in that Alec Baldwin situation?
  2. You realize you’re in the United States of Dipshittery, right?
  3. I hate Green Day but now I kind of like them. Trey Cool is a good drummer whether you like the band or not.
  4. You are doing God’s work, sir.
  5. What the fuck is wrong with you?
  6. Narrator: He won’t.
  7. Most of them are just cowardly Wotanists who use that as a cover because it doesn’t take any time to explain.
  8. I remember the days when Italians weren't considered "white." My East Texas grandmother thought Joe Arpaio was like the Italian version of Clayton Bigsby.
  9. Mavs could really use a stop here.
  10. $15,000 annual @ $7.25/hour $-1, 1-2, 5-3, ,-4, 0-5, 0-6, 0-7 figures
  11. Mavs could really use a stop here.
  12. Post-Roe, will there be a constitutional prohibition on states mandating abortions? E.g., “Single? No kids for you.”
  13. …going to get everyone killed.
  14. Bless your heart.
  15. Mavs would be a title contender if no contact at all were allowed. Like team H-O-R-S-E.
  16. They sat in their cave hoping for protection from carnivores and prayed that a rock slide wouldn't close the cave entrance. When they woke up and saw nothing of them had been eaten and the entrance was still open, they found "God." That's what my mother told me.
  17. Maybe The Real Treasure Was the Friends We Made Along the Way.
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