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Everything posted by TheRealRonWeaver?

  1. The fact one needs a lawyer is because of lawyers. Also, plenty of people hate their lawyers because most lawyers suck.
  2. Does the law allow a plaintiff to obtain a patient’s protected health information? How does discovery work in these cases?
  3. "Sad women complaining about the patriarchy are totally corrupting the malignant micropenis of Meaning via their utter contempt for Being, so I'll never use those bloody ideological terms."
  4. Did you get this from an online Jordan Peterson sentence generator?
  5. Isn’t Kirk Bowels dead? I’m not upset. Just asking.
  6. I have no affiliation with BS. As far as anyone can prove.
  7. Shouldn’t be much longer before he’s ID’d, what with all the great HD shots of his face. I’d recognize that chest anywhere! WTF?
  8. He’s worthy of crowd bannination. Fuck that guy.
  9. As far as I’m concerned, you just won the Internet.
  10. Leftovers AGAIN? Still, a big victory over Columbia and Colorado State. Assuming Columbia offers scholarships.
  11. Doesn’t Futureman have to fist himself on camera now? I’m not willing to watch, let alone pay to watch.
  12. He’s going to get away with it. This is America, after all.
  13. Softcore right wing porn? Fitlump, She-Wolf of the New SS?
  14. Muncie talk not going away.
  15. Delete thread. Ban OP.
  16. He’s weird as fuck. But he’s goddamn right.
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