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Everything posted by TheRealRonWeaver?

  1. He's the next David McWilliams, only unlikeable. SIAP.
  2. Has he announced when he's going to de-commit?
  3. You. Me. Pretty much all of us. One doesn’t have to be a coach. Some of us more successful and higher-profile than others.
  4. I cannot believe I’m giving you an upvote, but you deserve it.
  5. “They, they, they.” You know who “they” are.
  6. Hey guys. San Antonio appreciates the updates. I guess we only get power on Sundays and Wednesdays. Good thing the water was still on until today. Anyways, I appreciate the updates. Talk to you next week! Until then, keep your feet on the ground, and keep reaching for first-world status!
  7. Religion is a bullshit reason for not giving a fuck what happens to others, so fuck that exception.
  8. Well, the Mormons are the New World Jews and God’s really truly chosen, no? Seems like a natural extension of the conspiracy hypothesis.
  9. Juicy Smollet talk not going away....
  10. This fucking guy. “The rules still matter.” Anyone able to turn that into the Spongebob meme?
  11. How many years of eligibility does his sister have?
  12. We’ve had good luck with Aussie kickers, why not take a chance on Yahoo Serious here?
  13. Jesus H. Christ. This is spot-on.
  14. I “dabble” in it all the time. And I’m not even female.
  15. I’m so excited (and so scared) that I’m not the only person to realize this!
  16. I'm not religious, but amen, brother.
  17. "NASDAQ's up. Things are great!" - Johnny Shitsack
  18. If you’re going to troll, could you at least put a little effort into it?
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