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Everything posted by TheRealRonWeaver?

  1. He’s blocked now. (“Much Success!”) Although it night not be necessary— he ejaculated so many posts in such a short period of time, he might have permanently blown his wad. randymarshmasturbating.gif
  2. The Q is strong with this one.
  3. More like, shot yourself in the dick to own the Libs.
  4. The one real question is whether he’s actually an Ag.
  5. The Democrats are the real Nazis! kevinbaconalliswell.gif
  6. I'm surprised to EMAW here--I thought he'd pop up only in the cartoon and meme threads from now on.
  7. It seems like this thread started out as a fun diversion from the “serious discussion” threads, but it’s devolved into /r/TheRightCantMeme—which probably explains why EMAW is the only regular contributor.
  8. My thoughts exactly.
  9. I wish this thread had never happened.
  10. This thread = bad karma. Hope I’m wrong. #nohindu
  11. This thread has taken perhaps an irrevocable turn for the worse, and oddly enough, it’s through no fault of the posters, but rather, the subject matter.
  12. Closest OP has ever come to a good start to a thread.
  13. What’s a Ute?
  14. Isn't Arizona still two hours behind us? Does that give him time to change his mind?
  15. Daylight Savings talk not going away. For real, though--why not specify "Mountain" as opposed to "Pacific?" What is the message he's sending?
  16. Best news all day, so far.
  17. Bijan is in Arizona, which is on Mountain Standard, but is announcing at noon Pacific? Is this a sign he’s picking USC?
  18. You haven’t blocked him yet?
  19. Well, that settles it. From here on out, everyone’s wasting his/her/it’s/their/xyr breath.
  20. “For he.” Come back when you learn English, komrad.
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