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Everything posted by TheRealRonWeaver?

  1. Double post
  2. Loggins and Messina.
  3. I’m not sure what that racist was talking about, but thread sucks.
  4. It is a relief, knowing one won’t be replaced by Jews or other Untermensch, amiright?
  5. Well, that sucked.
  6. 30,000 should TAKE COMMAND!
  7. Reverend!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Da, komrade. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. NSIAP. "How can someone be racist, if black people work for him?"
  10. I’m sure that any minute now, we’ll hear about another leftist under arrest with a stash of guns and hit list of prominent Republican politicians as part of a plot to establish a black homeland.
  11. iraqipropagandaminister.jpeg
  12. To be so young and innocent! If she’d known how bad it would actually turn out to be, she might’ve blown her brains out on camera Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Trick question. If they did, they wouldn’t talk out loud.
  14. Incentives to illegals? That’s enticing enough for anybody! Hell, I’ll move there from Texas just to vote in that election!!!
  15. Shirley, you can’t be serious.
  16. The day will come when currently rich and powerful Republicans who prop up the Manchurian candidate currently occupying the White House will find a proposed 70 percent marginal tax rate so quaint, especially when compared to having one’s throat slit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Bad cowboy. The worst. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. It certainly should have been worded better. I did not mean to imply Sen. Harris wasn’t a thinker.
  19. OP screwed up by thinking that any thinking human gives a flying fuck about the Knights of Columbus or any other Catholic propaganda machine.
  20. Unfortunately, there’s also a lot of discussion about raising money to pay settlements for Catholic priests sexing children.
  21. This thread sucks as much as the last one OP started. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. When the time comes, and with apologies to Hitch, give him an enema and bury him in a matchbox. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. So, forget the attempts to distract, you’re sticking to the half-truths. The only “claim” I made was to quote the link you posted: “Half True.”
  24. So, you’re not spreading half-truths? Because the link you provided said the info was half true.
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