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Everything posted by TheRealRonWeaver?

  1. Does this mean Futureman is going to have to fist himself?
  2. Were there to be a social media movement that promotes jacking it to the Bible, I think this law would go away. Or at least it would require ID/parental permission to read the Bible.
  3. I feel really bad for that guy even though he’s a Husker.
  4. Absolutely fucking right. The fact that you felt compelled to share this personal story that shouldn't have been anyone else's business, is proof that we're in a fucked up situation.
  5. *Trans men, sorry. At one point in human embryonic development (all mammalian embryonic development, actually), every embryo is a female.
  6. If an embryo is a human being, does that mean all men are really trans women? And trans women really just de-transitioned? Does a frozen embryo have the right to be unfrozen? Do we rescue embryos in fallopian tubes?
  7. Could we please keep this thread on topic?
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