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Everything posted by babysdaddy

  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2021/08/17/treasury-taliban-money-afghanistan/ "Let our people go unharmed and you can have the cash"
  2. Those Roman shades should be 100% off. Shit. And wood, not enzo tho
  3. not yet. Got a few more years before that party
  4. lawyer'd. also, dear apple, it's never 'ducking'.
  5. just to add confirmation to the discussion, had my physical this morning and doc told me that of all their patients testing positive, 100% of the ones they refer to hospital are unvaccinated. Also discussed kids, vaccines, and rsv. Huge spike in pediatric hospitalizations are due to combo infections of rsv and covid in kids. Also, driver in kids is obesity which is more prevalent in Hispanic and black populations. In Dallas County, MIS-C cases (multisystem inflammatory syndrome) between March 2020 and last week totaled 68. 30 of those cases were hispanic, 31 black, 4 white, and 3 asian. RSV cases still rising but % positive decreasing.
  6. nope, not allowed. "Pam" said so
  7. https://twitter.com/JTLonsdale/status/1427392532519038978?s=20
  8. What are you mad about? That Biden is getting hammered? Did you expect everyone to just throw up their hands and say "welp, see you later"? The images and videos coming out ruined that potential outcome.
  9. Every single thing I've watched is the the MSM calling out the administration on the how and not the why. And there is broad support by both dems and pubs on leaving as has been pointed out by others on this thread. 70% support if I'm not mistaken.
  10. His entire speech focused on why we were leaving, which is fine and has support across the board. But the criticism is 100% about the how, which he didn't touch. That speech is just going to embolden his political opponents. The no question walk off didn't look great either.
  11. The Taliban had already violated the agreement so Biden was within his stance to delay and we hadn't had any dead soldiers since early 2020. Regardless, I'm glad we are out of that shithole. They way we are doing it is an abject abortion.
  12. What a ducking disaster. Incompetence across the board.
  13. I don’t know if that’s true. I agree those people are morons and know if people wouldve kept getting vaccinated our hospitals would be in better shape. But beating jt? Disagree
  14. Were we all going to get a version of covid no matter what? Was the selling of the vaccine as a cure and end of the pandemic the way to go? Is counting cases at this point productive or should we just focus on actual illness and severity (if you’re not vaxxed you’re fucked)?
  15. I know multiple fully vaccinated people with it right now. And it is interesting and raises a lot of questions.
  16. Lol, you are not driving those conversations my friend
  17. I read the cloak room to find out what the very angry online left is thinking and discussing. There are a few moderates in there but for the most part the titles of all the threads tell the story of what you'll be reading.
  18. In the most respectful way possible, I'd like to fuck your wife.
  19. babysdaddy

    Getting old sucks

    As I'm sitting at my desk, my right wrist hurts, my right shoulder/back, my left forearm, and a roving pain. 3 advil so far today. May mix in some alieve.
  20. The SEC is going to be first to full herd immunity given their behavior. Delta getting them ready for football season
  21. can you tell me more about this? why a huge rsv outbreak going on? is that driving the children's ER numbers? All I'm seeing reported on is kids covid going apeshit
  22. No, I know why we are doing all this which you were clear about when you immediately shifted to pointing out how deadly covid is to everyone but kids. I haven't seen data yet on kids being vectors of transmission for delta but, as someone pointed out, they did not transmit alpha. Regardless, the main point I was trying to get across specifically to Brisket is that as he was pleading with people to just do an ultra-low cost measure I pointed out that his posting style contributes to the problem he so desperately wants to fix. His individual ultra ultra ultra low cost measure that could have a direct impact on gross vaccination and mask numbers given he’s a prolific and respected poster on a very popular and frequented website is to just not be a sanctimonious dick about everything. He responded that he doesn’t care and he’s going to do what he wants, which is ironic given he also bitches and moans about American's selfish narcissistic behavior all the time and yet when he’s presented with an opportunity to differentiate himself, he passes. Anyhow, Texas researches estimate Texas at 69% immunity when combining infection and vaccination status. If the Delta Ro is 7 or 8 we need to get to 85 to 88% before herd immunity. Delta going to take care of that in the next few weeks. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20210810/New-estimate-of-total-immunity-to-SARS-CoV-2-in-Texas.aspx
  23. Oh I agree. Our kids didn't get sick at all last year so, at least anecdotally, clearly there is effectiveness. Congrats then Sir Richard. You're doing your part!
  24. For children it should be noted that the risk of killing/causing injury is extraordinarily low. The swine flu, which was 5 times more likely to kill kids, didn't cause us to do any of this. Maybe you should brush up on your math. And, we are vaxxed and our kids are masked in school. I just don't appreciate all your sanctimony and CAPS in your posts. You come off like a dick at all times, which whether you realize it or not, directly contributes to people being antimask or antivax. So why don't you take the ultra low cost effort and just not be a dick.
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