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Everything posted by babysdaddy

  1. Well, Judge Clay Jenkins just shut down in person schooling in Dallas for both public and private schools through 9/7.
  2. So was the conversation like this? "Look, we have no fucking idea because we can't contact trace worth a shit and we can't blame it on the BLM protests, can't blame it on memorial day bbqs, can't talk about border crossings from Mexico where it is fucking wheels off, so lets blame it on the "Northerners". Especially since the NY Times wrote that article about NY seeding the spread across the country". "Uhhh, sure, sounds good to us"
  3. Didn't know where else to put this. Rick turns orange then red.
  4. They are. Should I ignore the known long term complications of my kids mental health? Falling behind? Or should I only focus on a potential unknown? I've known 3 kids (15 months to 8 years) that had it and they had fevers for a day. Bottom line is this is a personal preference and people weigh risks differently.
  5. starts at 13 min. Pediatricians discussing risk and if they would recommend kids in school, which they do. Our kids are young and we aren't around any immunocompromised folks so we can't wait for them to start. And the risk for kids dying from this is so remote it is not a rationale concern
  6. https://www.npr.org/2020/06/24/882316641/what-parents-can-learn-from-child-care-centers-that-stayed-open-during-lockdowns The Y says that during the lockdowns it cared for up to 40,000 children between the ages of 1 and 14 at 1,100 separate sites, often in partnership with local and state governments. And in New York City, the pandemic's national epicenter in March and April, the city's Department of Education reports that it cared for more than 10,000 children at 170 sites. Working in early days, and on very short notice, these two organizations followed safety guidance that closely resembles what's now been officially put out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Y says a few staff members and parents at sites around the country did test positive, but there are no records of having more than one case at a site. This, among a population of essential workers.
  7. I did read the piece. And I read the article you (or someone posted) on Israel. And of course I wouldn't claim it closed the issue. I just see people emotionally responding with 'we can't open schools' and I found that study that said kids were not spreading vectors. And just so we are clear, I'm looking for anything to validate my desire to get my kids the fuck out of my house.
  8. Are you going to address the peer reviewed piece from the pediatricians or are you just going to brush it aside and say we suck and we can’t do it? Do you have kids? Our federal government and president have fucked up everything but that is irrelevant to the fact that kids are not spreading it to other kids or adults. Just read it and then you can condescendingly respond to me since that seems to be your schtick
  9. This is a paper that has been peer reviewed and pre-published by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The fact that kids have not spread it in schools elsewhere is relevant. Everything else you are bitching about is not.
  10. that paper is looking at data from schools outside the US and secondary infection spread. Not here.
  11. Kids don't drive the spread and they should be in school. As a parent, mine will be. https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/early/2020/05/22/peds.2020-004879.full.pdf
  12. I keep seeing versions of this on various threads but it does not seem to be backed up by anything. Kids are not drivers of the spread. https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/early/2020/05/22/peds.2020-004879.full.pdf
  13. Would you feel comfortable taking a chinese vaccination?
  14. Anecdotal, employee had to get tested because her son has it and she's showing symptoms. Went today and they said she'd have her results in 7-10 days. What happened to the rapid test results? Luckily we let her work from home yesterday because her son was in town so no exposure in office.
  15. Don't know but I'd guess younger/healthier people so hospitalizations not going crazy? Wonder if anyone that goes into the hospital and has covid is auto ICU?
  16. That decision would indicate they are not concerned about kids needing the beds due to covid.
  17. this is for dallas and has a heat map of where cases have been increasing. Looks like the Black and hispanic community https://covid-analytics-pccinnovation.hub.arcgis.com/
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