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Coach pop a bitch

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Everything posted by Coach pop a bitch

  1. Uw probably didn't get the message that UT is stout.
  2. There should be no reason sark shouldn't be running the ball every 1st 2nd and 3rd down. Uw is weak
  3. Is sark done with the first 40 plays? If so I hope he runs the ball.
  4. Great td drive by Baxter and Blue
  5. I don't remember seeing sark using 2 tailbacks at once in the backfield.
  6. Anyone putting out suet with good results?
  7. I loved drawing of the three as soon as the lobstrosities came into play.
  8. Gunslinger was cool but imo drawing of the three was phenomenal.
  9. Heb in Pleasanton used to have bombass bbq. Not sure if they still do haven't been in a while
  10. Read it in middle school. I remember liking it. I read it after Carrie and liked it.
  11. Bout time this university recruits top notch talent and develops them
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