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Coach pop a bitch

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Everything posted by Coach pop a bitch

  1. This is the part of the game when sark and Co. Come out ready to play.
  2. I will say Auburn is the 1st half offensive player of the game so far.
  3. Even the td was a misdirection play. This offense is a joke.
  4. Think the back ups do better with this trash line?
  5. Sarks just nervous cuz his parents are at the game.
  6. Maybe set something up for sanders or jwhitt up the middle.
  7. Damn QE3 just underthrows anything over 20 yrds
  8. That was banks and its hard to throw when ur receivers can't fight. Was that sanders that got laid out?
  9. Naw I'm sure blacklab got something for him.
  10. QE3 bout to turn sanders into a 6th round pick
  11. Do u even jt daniels bro? He's so damn good he's started for 4 diffrent schools.
  12. Sark gonna have to use his starters late. Better hope no injuries happen
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