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luke duke

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  1. Congratulations! When are you expecting?
  2. Then buy two Chinese ones for $10/ea. The Turbo Cap is still probably 1/3 of what an A/C will charge you to install the $10 cap that he carries on his truck.
  3. https://mannkitchen.com/products/the-original-pepper-cannon-pepper-mill
  4. Everyone should have a spare capacitor and contactor for their A/C. It will probably cost you less than $50 for both from Amazon. AmRad and CapDog brand capacitors are made in the USA.
  5. I was about to post that letter. Then I scrolled down. Thanks Bin Laden
  6. I didn’t know my in-laws leased their land. Spice cabinet contents: - black pepper, pre ground to a talcum powder consistency - iodized table salt - a solidified container of lemon pepper - a container of Tony’s that I brought over several years ago. I’m the only one who uses it. I bring my own spices whenever we visit, because I’m always asked to cook.
  7. Is it possible to have two innie bellybuttons? Asking for a friend.
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