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luke duke

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Everything posted by luke duke

  1. Is that like a Dubai port-a-potty?
  2. That first brisket looks a little dry
  3. What frequency to make Dickbutt?
  4. You’re such a great son.
  5. Yes, one is pasteurized and the other isn’t.
  6. Call me if you need anything.
  7. Your boyfriend is going to love it too.
  8. Thanks for sharing the name of the place in Richardson.
  9. Thanks for sharing the name of the place in Richardson.
  10. Don’t break a hip.
  11. Did you also buy the red sweatpants?
  12. My uncle started that restaurant. My cousins run them now.
  13. I almost bought some just based on the name.
  14. I want to +rep this post, but you said turkey burger.
  15. Another Q For a Cause Somebody had this made. I think he said it during a TV interview. Some good publicity I forget how many of these I helped with. I cooked a bunch of BBQ at John’s events back in the day I think we had this one a little over capacity
  16. One of his sons working in the 6th Street. John was pretty happy about this. From the last Q For a Cause that I helped John with. More random stuff I made to fuck with John A When Jimmy Kimmel came and proposed Some random chick from one of the Q for a Cause events
  17. A couple of pics from when I helped him and John Lewis cook the half cow. After one of his illnesses 10 years ago I don’t remember if I made this or someone else did. John came by my tailgate late night once. We drank some Bud Light and he watched me cook.
  18. Fortunately every unfinished bridge has a ramp at the very end.
  19. Is this the one with the melded coin on the tire?
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