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luke duke

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Everything posted by luke duke

  1. Please tell me that those plates belonged to your grandmother so you can’t bring yourself to get rid of them.
  2. Probably tree fiddy at today’s prices.
  3. If you have to find a satellite image, mark it up in MS Paint and write a 5 paragraph explanation, then your post belongs in the “Stupid Shit That ROFLBOX Did” thread.
  4. That was my wife. I was in a meeting and my wife started blowing up my phone. I stepped out of the meeting and called her. Wife - I ran over a cone and now it’s dragging under the car and everyone is staring at me. Me - Drive up on a curb and pull it out. Wife - Ok I step back in the meeting and remember that she was driving my truck. I was trying to figure out how it was possible to get a cone stuck under a truck with a 4” lift when I got the following text message and picture:
  5. Or perhaps the your grandmother is the lady with the musty pelt that [mention=1205]Armybrat[/mention] is always reminiscing about.
  6. Get your hands on an infrared camera
  7. Just keep a bag of seed on it if you’re worried.
  8. I hope that you have an ample supply of antibiotics. You’re going to need it after visiting Paco.
  9. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
  10. Except the zero sexytime part.
  11. [noCR] [/noCR]
  12. No new pic, but we’re up to one doctor visit, one cortisone injection, three prescriptions, four days of bitching and zero sexytime.
  13. I already got her some of that. Fortunately she isn’t blaming me, yet.
  14. Wife: I cleared out the vines in the backyard by your wood pile. Me: There’s a reason that I haven’t touched it. That’s poison ivy. Wife: No it isn’t, I know what poison ivy looks like. Me: OK 2 days later:
  15. Ask him to drop off some new plates next time.
  16. Not the first time he’s been told that.
  17. You may need an upsized gas line to support a large tankless water heater.
  18. I love what you’ve done with the place.
  19. The party can start.
  20. Just send the wife, you can stay in Ft Worth.
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