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luke duke

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Everything posted by luke duke

  1. Congratulations on paying 2x the price/lb for brisket.
  2. I knew a Richard Pound when I was at UT. He never seem amused at my jokes.
  3. What’s her going rate?
  4. I didn’t make a scene about it. I opened the door, saw it and got him a shirt before anyone realized he was there. I guess I have more respect for my parents’ home than you do.
  5. Several years ago my sister’s baby daddy showed up at my parents’ house for Christmas in a shirt he got at a strip club. I immediately drug him back to my dad’s closet and made him change into a different shirt. Apparently he was offended and left shortly thereafter.
  6. I’m guessing that we end up with 12-15 people.
  7. Does anyone know of a place near the park that would be good for multiple families? Either a huge house for rent or a place with a bunch of cabins?
  8. We travel to the in-laws every other Thanksgiving. The MIL asks me at the last minute every year if I’ll cook the turkey. It’s fine with me since I do a better job than anyone else there. This year we were running behind getting out of town so I just stopped at Central Market and bought the stuff in the picture below. Cooked at 325 until the breasticles were 165. Brined 15lb turkey for 16hrs. It was the best whole turkey that I’ve ever had (no pics). Highly recommend for anyone that wants to simplify Thanksgiving.
  9. I’d go to 125. You’ll barely get any carryover as low as your cooking it.
  10. Did the fishing line tied to a plastic roach give it away?
  11. Bevo’s cousin showed up
  12. You should come to the tailgate
  13. A little snack for tomorrow And in case we get thirsty…
  14. Pics of wife on the shitter?
  15. Please tell me that those plates belonged to your grandmother so you can’t bring yourself to get rid of them.
  16. Probably tree fiddy at today’s prices.
  17. If you have to find a satellite image, mark it up in MS Paint and write a 5 paragraph explanation, then your post belongs in the “Stupid Shit That ROFLBOX Did” thread.
  18. That was my wife. I was in a meeting and my wife started blowing up my phone. I stepped out of the meeting and called her. Wife - I ran over a cone and now it’s dragging under the car and everyone is staring at me. Me - Drive up on a curb and pull it out. Wife - Ok I step back in the meeting and remember that she was driving my truck. I was trying to figure out how it was possible to get a cone stuck under a truck with a 4” lift when I got the following text message and picture:
  19. Or perhaps the your grandmother is the lady with the musty pelt that [mention=1205]Armybrat[/mention] is always reminiscing about.
  20. Get your hands on an infrared camera
  21. Just keep a bag of seed on it if you’re worried.
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