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luke duke

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Everything posted by luke duke

  1. I buy a new house when the floors get dirty.
  2. I love how we have to convince someone not to eat green meat.
  4. I thought you could have a choice of whatever they are able to whip up in the prison cafeteria.
  5. I went through this same shit trying to adopt a dog. I think it would have been easier to adopt a child. House/yard inspector lady - “Sir, you will have to move that stack of firewood that’s against the fence. A dog could climb on top of it and jump over the fence. What would we do then?” Me - “Call my neighbor and tell him my dog is in his backyard and I’ll be over in a minute.” *tone
  6. Is that a lot?
  7. I thought this was Yoko Ono at first.
  8. I learned this trick from South Austin’s mom. It makes cleanup a breeze.
  9. Yes?
  10. Is that the exhibit of all of Vic’s lady friends?
  11. Cuanto?
  12. Well I’ve heard that Judge has a flute that he does tricks with.
  13. This.
  14. Costco Wagyu NY Strips I think they were $25-27/lb. which is the same price as Central Market prime. They also had some prime strips for $11/lb. I bought 4 of those and froze them. There was waaaaay more marbling in the Wagyus, as there should be. Pre-cook/seasoning Post oven Temp graph. I preheated the oven to 225 and turned it down to 170. Searing - My grill gets hot AF. It’s a NG Weber Summit. I bought a new regular and hooked it up to propane. NG orifices are way bigger than LP orifices. Post sear Money shot
  15. Already procured.
  16. Sugar?
  17. Electric knives are serrated, so that’s what I noticed. It makes for some rough cuts.
  18. Looks a bit too much like Ohio chili. Definitely no the way that my grandma made fideo.
  19. Electric carving knife?
  20. Anyone ever made their roux with bacon grease?
  21. Maybe we keep the booze put away while the guns are out.
  22. Do you have any lawn darts for sale?
  23. My wife only has a brother. Did the two of you hook up and I didn’t know about it?
  24. Actually using credit (smartly) will put you way ahead. How long would it take you to save up to pay cash for a house while paying rent and saving for retirement? How much more would that house cost when you’re 60 vs 30?
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