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luke duke

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Everything posted by luke duke

  1. The real question is why do you have 10k photos? Are you a Japanese tourist or ROFLBOX?
  2. 10%? What kind of halfass operation are you running?
  3. Quit pretending that you aren’t going to eat it all tonight.
  4. F that. 1. Buy another RV 2. Continue trip 3. Hit another overpass at end of trip 4. ???? 5. Profit
  5. Chad Briscoe never mentioned a female cousin
  6. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
  7. Has anyone been tubing in the New Braunfels area since the COVID restrictions went into effect? Any tips? Which outfitters have adapted best (or worst)?
  8. Still happy with Griddy Use this link and we both get $50 http://ssqt.co/medZvPZ
  9. The pics aren’t showing up.
  10. There’s easier ways to store water.
  11. I think she just rents it.
  12. You could build a sweet clubhouse
  13. If sandwiches have their own thread, then tacos deserve one too. Yesterday’s breakfast: Corn/flour hybrid tortilla from Central Markup Rice and beans that I made last weekend Leftover brisket, also from last weekend Scrambled egg Cheese Tabasco
  14. Yesterday’s breakfast: Corn/flour hybrid tortilla from Central Markup Rice and beans that I made last weekend Leftover brisket, also from last weekend Scrambled egg Cheese Tabasco
  15. ...vote for Trump?
  16. My kids pet the same donkeys about a month ago.
  17. The pit was loaned to John. I don’t know what the understanding was between John and the loaner, but the loaner felt the need to get his pit back. The loaner posts here and can elaborate if he chooses.
  18. Ask your husband and he’ll probable suggest a paper towel, Kleenex or one of your Maxipads.
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