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luke duke

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Everything posted by luke duke

  1. How else do you get the cinnamon and nutmeg to stick?
  2. I’ve been happy with my Ecobee. I have it integrated with IFTTT and Griddy.
  3. You’re talking about “state regulations” and “binding contracts”. You were on the verge of threatening them to hold the raffle or else...
  4. Settle down Karen. COVID fucked with a lot of spring charity events. Don’t be a dickhead and start fucking with a non-profit’s fundraiser. You were happy with a 1 in 500 chance when you bought the ticket. You’ll be happy with the same chance in a couple of months.
  5. South Austin’s mom’s dildo would beg to differ.
  6. I’ve got a longhorn branding iron that I had made close to 20 years ago by Jimmy Don Holmes before he got semi-famous.
  7. Maple is the standard. You can mix in some cherry or walnut if you want a design or pattern in the wood. Don’t use oak, it is very porous and isn’t suitable for cutting boards. I’ve been using this maple board for close to 20 years. It’s 24x24x3. I made this one about 4 years ago and donated it to a charity auction. A friend of mine bought it and has never used it because he doesn’t want to mess it up. Maple and cherry with a walnut boarder. I think it is 20x20x1.75.
  8. You got a great deal on a prime brisket. They’re subbing higher grade meat because they ran out of the cheaper stuff.
  9. They’re brown. Of course they are. Amirite?
  10. I purposely ignore anything my wife says to me from another room.
  11. They’re going to get back to double teaming your MIL when you drive off.
  12. I just bought two Angus briskets at Kroger for $1.67/lb.
  13. This xEleventyBillion My nephew graduated from Allen yesterday and I didn’t have to go. I guess that I wouldn’t have gone anyway since 2 nieces graduated from UT yesterday also. I didn’t have to go to any of them. Win, win, win.
  14. Tea without sugar is just brown water. Tea with sugar is just sweet brown water. I’ll take a glass of ice water over either any day.
  15. Can she pull a plow?
  16. It was a Blazer not a Tahoe.
  17. $5K to $100K in two days? You’ll be in a $1MM Prevost by Memorial Day at this rate.
  18. That guy gives the best blow jobs.
  19. Visit this forum: https://www.rv.net/forum/ Beware that the general consensus in that forum is that you need a Peterbilt to tow anything larger than a popup or your family is going to die in a huge fireball and take out half of the interstate with it.
  20. I took a few Tableau training courses a few years ago an created a useful workbook. Then I forgot everything I learned. Fast forward 2 years and now I’d like to update the data without fucking up the file. The updated data has the same column names. Help.
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