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luke duke

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Everything posted by luke duke

  1. Tea without sugar is just brown water. Tea with sugar is just sweet brown water. I’ll take a glass of ice water over either any day.
  2. Can she pull a plow?
  3. It was a Blazer not a Tahoe.
  4. $5K to $100K in two days? You’ll be in a $1MM Prevost by Memorial Day at this rate.
  5. That guy gives the best blow jobs.
  6. Visit this forum: https://www.rv.net/forum/ Beware that the general consensus in that forum is that you need a Peterbilt to tow anything larger than a popup or your family is going to die in a huge fireball and take out half of the interstate with it.
  7. I took a few Tableau training courses a few years ago an created a useful workbook. Then I forgot everything I learned. Fast forward 2 years and now I’d like to update the data without fucking up the file. The updated data has the same column names. Help.
  8. From Vic. He recommends pairing it with fava beans and a nice Chianti.
  9. Search ABCCANOPY on Amazon.
  10. TC breakfast tacos are horrible. I can’t think of a worse fast food breakfast item that I’ve ever ordered.
  11. Get one of these if you want to cheat. https://superpeel.com/
  12. Sounds like you’re not being hard enough on the wife.
  13. Is this the Houston Surly Happy Hour?
  14. Karen hates brown people.
  15. Osso Bucco Doesn’t look like 6 lbs of veal shanks Because it’s in the biggest Staub they make Served with polenta. Awesome as always.
  16. Now that you’ve got it out of your system, don’t do it again.
  17. Did Stevie Wonder pick those plates out?
  18. Didn’t your wife say the same thing about the dick pic that you sent her?
  19. The internet.
  20. There is a 0% chance that any of Vic’s friends know what a chia seed is.
  21. How can you forget the amazing Pontiac Aztec?
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