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luke duke

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Everything posted by luke duke

  1. This is a great article about the Voyager engineers if you can get past the NYT paywall. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/03/magazine/the-loyal-engineers-steering-nasas-voyager-probes-across-the-universe.html
  2. There’s a lady in my neighborhood that does this for free. I think she gets a bunch of kickbacks from Disney so she can take her family for free every year.
  3. I use one of these the last time I replaced a water heater in the attic. I screwed an eye hook into a rafter, lowered the old one, lifted the new one and returned it back to Amazon the next day. https://a.co/d/b3APLz0
  4. Yep. Easiest to do on a new one. https://a.co/d/83ikhu4
  5. There’s a bunch of dumb/lazy people with a bunch of money.
  6. What did it look like before you chewed on it for 10 minutes?
  7. Yes you can. Years ago I had a shitty financial advisor that had me in the Alaska 529. I got rid of him and moved the accounts to Utah.
  8. You can also leave any extra money in the 529 and let it ride for any future grandchildren.
  9. I’d be curious as to the future income potential of her desired major.
  10. This entire post is bullshit. You don’t have 3 friends.
  11. Make a bunch of noise in the background.
  12. Your wife needs to earn more money. She’s supposed to be your partner. Unless she has tattoos on her face, she should be able to find an office job that pays $30-50K/yr.
  13. I’m thinking about getting an Apple Watch, but I’m hesitating because I’m cheap. How does your Apple Watch help you meet your fitness goals? Does it help you or does it just give you data that you don’t use? Does the pulse/ox matter to you? I think the ones on Amazon still have that feature (which can be taken away at any time with a software update).
  14. Whenever my wife does this I get a roll out of the cabinet, use what I need and put the roll back in the cabinet. I like to fantasize that she’s trainable.
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