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Everything posted by freyguy

  1. that's not funny....
  2. I blame women
  3. Sweet, I can keep hatin the cowboys
  4. Boom
  5. Holy shit
  6. Makes sense. Our RB stable is overrun. Bummer we couldn't ever get the wildcat to consistently work with him at the helm.
  7. I'm laughing that they're implying they have a change management process over at Tesla....
  8. Don't feed it after dark, either
  9. postponing l required maintenance is such a great strategy
  10. Don't forget kids...always lube your balls.
  11. 3 months away....my wife is going to hate it when I blast this in the house
  12. "Hey, my company just laid me off. Why don't I get my corporate incentives anymore?" Seriously?
  13. 60 days notice. I'm not an HR person, but I bet there's many ways around that requirement. Is it 60 days from the employees being notified, or from when the severance fully pays out? I don't know, and frankly don't care. Tesla manufacturing is very inefficient and is complete shit for automotive quality. He banked on creating his own "iphone" type market with cars, and it backfired. Yes, alot of smug fan boys love their Tesla. But that same type of population loved their prius when it first came out too. Toyota makes excellent vehicles, but you don't see the Prius dominating the auto market either. I'm going to have fun watching the slow demise...
  14. I'm glad RT took my comments to heart and is totally nuking the roster (save for Weaver). It shows that we truly do make a difference here on this site.
  15. I recently rewatched the original. Terrible writing. Every line was a cliche. Sam Elliot was the only guy holding it together. Then they killed him..... Then saw the remake. Actually enjoyed it for what it was, especially compared to the trashy original. Only wish they had a similar character as Wade.
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