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Everything posted by freyguy

  1. and they blame the investors as reasons for their decisions
  2. That sucks... aaand we keep tagging their dugout...
  3. aggie took a ball off the chin
  4. We're about to find out.....
  5. fucking bear bitches...
  6. so Disu has the shits? Great
  7. Wife still wants the levers on the exterior. Tell the wife it's your house, not hers, and that you'll put on whatever doorknobs you want. And please film & post her reaction so we can analyze.
  8. Which one is the crying emoji again?
  9. Beard would have had 3x the points....
  10. Holy sheep shit. I may have to see that.
  11. Well, compared to past events where servicemen chose to go on a shooting rampage, I think this had the best possible outcome.
  12. Yo Beard, please continue to reap what you've sown loser....
  13. you cannot expect me to enjoy Yellow Ledbetter and attempt to decipher what Eddie is saying...all at the same time. I'll just give him the benefit of the doubt that he's not spouting off some crazy bullshit.
  14. see, I understand this shit. When do we unmask the OP? Are we supposed to start logging guesses now? Cuz all I'm hearing is:
  15. I think both of those fall into the category of "before"
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