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Everything posted by freyguy

  1. It took that cheater 5 years to start making a difference at cougar high....get some perspective. Our program has always flirted with being a top10, but more often than not has been average. It is what it is. And fuck that tweet crying about Rodney Terry getting after those UCF players. If they're doing the horns down, punch them in the mouth. Then maybe we'll see some fucking fight in this team. I see 2 good stars on this team, and the rest a bunch of bench warmers & supporting cast. If you had expectations that we were going to win the conference this season, that's on you.
  2. pure frontier gibberish...
  3. quit eating paint chips man....
  4. So far so good. Had some repair work done on it by the original builder last week. Fixed some cracks, replaced 3 lights, drained and refilled the pool. Now 2 lights aren't working properly....ugh.
  5. Screw this, I'm turning on the A/C
  6. so those are wind chill numbers.
  7. Just give us your address and we'll send one to you too. No need to get all crabby about it.
  8. I was at the game too. It was really hot in the arena. Was that why our guys were slipping all over the place? Refs were shitty, but equally shitty. Crowd seemed loud, but way too many ttech fans. We played flat, shitty, incoherent, etc. Anytime there was a sense of momentum swing in our favor, we'd fuck it up with a turnover or ugly missed shot. Bottom line, the team looked like they forgot how to play basketball.
  9. Hot wheels was at the ou game too....
  10. can you romance the gerbil?
  11. That ain't gonna hold shit if they walk that dog in front of him.
  12. Getting out of dodge before the consequences hit Michigan.
  13. These guys are hilarious. They need to announce more games. The stiffs on the other networks are a beating.
  14. 16-6...that was nail-biting excitement compared to the grass-growing competition we had to witness tonight....
  15. I can't remember a time before, watching a game and being completely bored as fuck as I was during this one.
  16. I'm loving reading about the faux disrespect/victimization the Huskies are trying to manufacture. Underdog Washington Huskies hoping to 'smack' Texas Longhorns
  17. Cha too ma laya conky, ya neema loka nyan.
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