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Everything posted by freyguy

  1. We did let it play out. Beard fucked up and thought he could dictate terms to the university. The university told him to go fuck himself.
  2. ok boomer
  3. He's not wrong. Folks need to read the comics more.
  4. It'll come back as Vger2 in about a thousand years and decimate the planet
  5. Give em credit that they fucking lost. Those fucking aggies lost like they were fucking supposed to.
  6. Eat shit motherfucker
  7. He beat em. He fucking beat em. Give that man his props.
  8. Just starting season 2. This show is really really good, but it's a fucking horror movie for those of us who work day in and day out....
  9. Chinese play joke on u. I ordered mine on Jan.4, started shipping on the 9th.
  10. My Arch Manning ornament finally arrived. I'm so happy.
  11. We ain't gonna get shit in Austin, are we....
  12. I've had no complaints about my Meater probes. Had both the single and the block for a several years. I use them in my Big Joe. One of my probes did go out last year on the block. It was well past warranty, but was very easy IM'ing with support to order a replacement.
  13. He realized that he was playing for the texans
  14. It ain't gonna happen....none of it.
  15. Loving the broken bones all over the place.
  16. Google their past records on previous disasters. Very inefficient, corrupt, etc.
  17. Looks like she already shed all of her babies. Good luck sleeping tonight.
  18. no mercy no fucking mercy NO FUCKING MERCY!!!!
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