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Everything posted by freyguy

  1. Agreed. Get yer money and ride the pine.
  2. I'll be shocked of Ewars goes to the NFL next year. But that's for another thread.
  3. I'm sorry, are we talking about Maalik or Ewars here?
  4. You mean like when the previous shithead-in-chief gassed protesters so he could have a photo op of him holding a Bible upside down?
  5. we ate their QB alive. He later got benched. But he's learning, and Saban is showing some patience in allowing him to progress throughout the year .
  6. The good thing with this, the voters will have an understanding that our shitty wins were due to an inexperienced quarterback. So as along as we continue to win until Ewars is 100% healthy, we shouldn't lose any ground in rankings. Maalik needs to tighten up his decision making, and learn to apply amnesia after every setback. The next 3 teams are trash, but each of them have upset us in years past. We are in the spot we wanted to be in. Bitching about our backup QB, instead of bitching about how our backup QB hasn't gotten any play time (which has always screwed us down the road). Keep the focusness. Ewars is fragile, this is concerning. Do we want to risk another injury before the conf championship game? How would that look? Another bad hit against another trash school would kill this season. If we can continue to invest time and learning into Maalik, not burn Arch's shirt, and continue to win, great for us. This has to be Sark's long game.
  7. You just keep doubling down....
  8. Ok, this wildcat ain't working. Please rip it up and go back to the drawing board.
  9. what in the hell is going on right now?
  10. Something else is floating around that ain't COVID, flu or strep rt now. Started feeling run down Wed & had pretty bad sore throat, went to the doctor. Tests for above were all negative. He gave me a scrip for azithromycin anyway. Started to feel much better yesterday, but then went downhill overnight. Now bad cough, congestion, 99 fever. Joy...back to the doc later this morning. Will report back later today if I make it. I'm assuming this is what was needed to ensure the Rangers in winning the Series, so...yall are welcome.
  11. You ain't gonna fix it. Get rid of the cat.
  12. WHOOOOI!!!!!!
  13. in the Infinity War comic, Doom zaps Kang in the back, while both are plotting to rob Adam Magus of the Gauntlet.
  14. These clowns aren't pro-Jew. I continually cringe when I see shit on Fox about them touting being pro-Israel, etc. They're xenophobic, war-mongering assholes.
  15. so Cornell does admit dumbasses.
  16. everybody gets to play today
  17. brrrrrttttt!!!
  18. and yet....? https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/31/us/cornell-antisemetic-threats-person-of-interest/index.html
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