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Everything posted by freyguy

  1. Fucking shit fuck fuck God dammit fuck.
  2. but all the viewers watched it on mute because smoltz is fucking annoying
  3. He must be getting paid by the word.
  4. is there any chance Nolan Ryan comes out and throws the first pitch or something? Cuz I may or may not cry.
  5. My Trumper co-workers are using this to tout their anti-muslim xenophobia and border control hysteria. Meanwhile, I have another co-worker whose Israeli wife lost at least 8 of her childhood friends during last weekend's attack, and is chomping at the bit to pick up a rifle and head back to her homeland. And I'm telling my kid at UT to lay off attending Hillel for awhile. Great times we're in...
  6. Clapton is too rated high. 🤣 I actually like that they recognized the importance of Malcom & Angus Young together.
  7. shit, that's low man....
  8. Jesus Johnny /gif
  9. which part of the movie?
  10. I hear you. But with a class of 2000, should 50% of them come from that 1000 who scored a perfect SAT?
  11. Plus, to defend the colleges, how many applicants do you think they received that had identical statistics as him? 1,000 kids got a perfect score last year. So how many do you think scored a 1590? What makes this kid so special compared to the others?
  12. maybe he can't write for shit on his essays. The sobering part is folks are still not realizing that the population size of graduating seniors in the U.S. has increased from 2.5M in the 90's, to approx 3.5M in present day. That's about a 40% increase. "Top Tier" colleges have obviously not expanded by that same percentage. Folks need to recalibrate themselves on what "fair" really is.
  13. Seems like a fine post to me. Guess some folks like to root around on Twitter just to show how pedantic they can be.
  14. I'd fire them all too...amateur hour of clusterfucks
  15. John Smoltz is a douchey announcer
  16. It's great to have dreams, but people need to tap the brakes when they want to go strawman and start arguing that what it takes to be CEO is what should steer your major/decisions in life. There are roughly ~200k CEOs in the U.S., and I bet most of them still don't make "that much". Ain't nothing wrong settling for "middle-management" or being a lifelong individual contributor. Work ethic, and being able to see the big picture will carry you farther than anything else. Plus, living within your means. Do this, and you'll be surprised how much you'll get out of life.
  17. we definitely played flat, but the refs fucking fucked us on at least 5 big calls. This was worse than any okst game. good freaking god
  18. brother?
  19. my favorite Greek hero was Testacles. He had alot of moxie.
  20. so we're supposed to believe that they will be able to easily fire up one of these plants in under a month.....
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