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Everything posted by freyguy

  1. feeling alot like Boromir rt now....
  2. jesus christ, that looks like a pot roast on a stick....
  3. and that's...ok...
  4. don't you understand, we gotta pay for a tunnel out of downtown Austin, another library, and a shitload of bike lanes. We don't have the funding to properly address homelessness.
  5. what a loser
  6. no fucking rain....
  7. "...so just to be clear, we're not having sex tonight?"
  8. I loved peeking around corners and rolling a thermal detonator into a small room of storm troopers
  9. Would love to see a UT/ou CCG. And have both teams just sit back on the field, crack open some brews, and give the rest of the Big12 the middle finger for 3 hours.
  10. He definitely did more cocaine than VY
  11. we told you to mow your fucking lawn Sincerely, CircleCRanchAustin...
  12. Yes, he should have licensed out that shark repellent spray...
  13. Monday, it was a choice between Chipotle or Jack in the Box for lunch. Needless to say, I did not survive the Kobayashi Maru.....
  14. "Megan Rapinoe will go down as one of the biggest losers in American history." counter point
  15. someone get George Seurat on the phone now and start up a gofund me.
  16. Should I get this on PS5, or will it be severely limited, compared to PC?
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