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Everything posted by freyguy

  1. I can definitely fap to that
  2. So much of Bob Dylan could go in this thread.
  3. freyguy


    0 - 0 + 0 = fat fuck
  4. He couldn't defeat pussy...duh
  5. damn I want that skull
  6. Hey, just wanted to let you know that I just now double-checked the basketball coaching roster, and Chris Beard is still not our coach...
  7. I try not to make my face like that, but I just feel so naughty when I do it....
  8. Here's a reminder that Beard still doesn't coach here. Move on you titty babies.
  9. A+ for video quality
  10. what's her onlyfans link?
  11. There ain't gonna be blood. Russian pornstars are a solid representative subset of their entire population. And they're all really good at taking it up the a$$.
  12. Yeah, you took vinyl chloride, which is a monomer, applied a bunch of heat to it, thinking it was just going to magically burn up like gasoline into CO2 & H20. Instead, you're going to get every reaction between total combustion and polymerization. That in-between shit is really nasty.... Noone said, "but wait, Chlorine doesn't combust, it only reacts. What's it gonna turn in to?" Instead, they went, "fuck it, let's blow it up like a Jerry Bruckheimer movie and see what happens" I mean this is a 1960s solution to a chemical spill, what the hell?
  13. Cmon, let it out...there there. You feel better? Need a juice box?
  14. Gonna need a bit more than a couple of flares to break down Chlorine, or make it "safe". WTFwere they thinking?
  15. I would prefer Joust or Donkey Kong
  16. Beard will be coaching intramurals next year. He's got bigger problems to sort out.
  17. He made 8 seconds, score em!
  18. soooo, how close can we park a couple of carriers near the Black Sea and lay waste to these guys?
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