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T-shirt Sip

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by T-shirt Sip

  1. Uber is definitely an issue right now. We have been to Vegas 5 times in the past 12 months and Uber has gotten worse over each trip. We always go through these guys to ensure we have a ride from and to the airport. I wouldn't want to miss my flight out because of the lack of finding a ride. They are always on time. Actually, they are always at least 15 minutes early. https://www.presidentiallimolv.com/our-fleet-rates/
  2. Not parking but still a douche. This guy was blocking the turnaround lane at McNeil/183. 2.jfif
  3. I wonder if that will change the seating capacities at gaming tables. Sure would be nice.
  4. Good point. You mean to tell me the Delano doesn't allow people to walk around in jorts without a shirt on while sipping on a yard of pina coladas?
  5. But did you go to the $39 Billy Joel concert? Nope. Neither. Billy Ray Cyrus on the other hand.
  6. I just got back from a weekend trip to Vegas. We stayed on Fremont on this trip so I can’t comment on the strip but if the crowd size on Fremont was any indication, the Strip was probably unbearable. So many people. So many drunks looking to fight. We went 3 weeks ago and stayed at the Delano. The crowds weren’t nearly as bad on that trip. Make your dinner reservations early. Everything I saw on this trip was at least a week out.
  7. No shit. I worked all of my teen years loading up watermelons on these fuckers during the summers in south Texas. It got me ready for Iraq. Getting a refrigerated trailer was like winning the fucking lottery. Of course we only got one of those for about every 20 trucks we loaded up.
  8. Can I borrow it after you’re done with it? I want to gouge my eyes out too.
  9. Nope. Mine is a young white guy in his 30's. Not my thing.
  10. I've been trying to sleep on my back but its proving difficult after sleeping on my stomach for 50 years. I'll start on my back and will be woken up in the middle of the night because I've rolled over and tried to put my arm above my head. This happens about 5-6 times per night. It sucks. I've bought a pulley pull down system and some bands. I'll do some exercises every day and hopefully I'll get back to semi-normal life fairly quickly. I couldn't imagine going to PT 50 times.
  11. Sorry to hear that. Are you still dealing with it? I just started PT and the idea is just to keep stretching it and hopefully it passes. If fucking sucks.
  12. With the tables mostly only seating 3, I was hoping it was still pretty slow. I guess it'll be harder to get on. Oh well, still going so might as well make the most of it. We have another trip planned in 3 weeks too.
  13. I just turned 50 a couple of weeks ago. Went to bed a couple of months ago and woke up with a very sore shoulder. Over time it has gotten worse to where putting on a coat, taking off a shirt or putting on deodorant is nearly impossible without bending over in massive pain. Doc said it was tendonitis and set me up with physical therapist. PT says its not tendonitis but something called Frozen Shoulder (adhesive capsulitis of shoulder). WTF is that? Getting old sucks.
  14. Anyone been in the past week? We head to Vegas on Saturday. I've seen videos where the strip is getting pretty packed at night.
  15. Is it bad that I wouldn't be surprised if everything the cop said was a lie? I'll wait on the body cam video.
  16. Two week notice? They'll notice in two weeks I'm not there.
  17. If being titty whooped is wrong, I don't want to be right.
  18. That's not her but she's similar or used to be. She's getting up there in age. Compared to you though she's like a teenager.
  19. I received the 2nd Pfizer does last Wednesday. I guess I was one of the lucky ones because aside from slight soreness I didn't have any side effects. It is such a relief knowing I'm okay. Now, if I could only convince my wife that its okay for her to get immunized even if she doesn't fall in the 1A or 1B category. She feels she would be taking the spot of someone who really needs it.
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