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T-shirt Sip

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by T-shirt Sip

  1. I’m just now catching up on this thread. Put the shoe in the freezer for a couple of hours then chisel the gum off.
  2. Probably the lawyer that was supposed to be writing up the waiver.
  3. I haven’t been following along. Has UT fired Herman yet with all the dirt Zach had on him?
  4. That might have saved the kid’s life. Those couple extra ounces might have made him shoot low? You know he was aiming center mass.
  5. That’s the thing. I’ve seen highlights but never the full game. I’ve heard all about the ineptitude but without seeing the whole game, I can’t really understand the full scope of Jamaal’s greatness during that game. I don’t think it’s even on LHN or at least I’ve never caught it.
  6. I have never seen this game. I had to work that day and I didn’t record it. I’m ashamed of myself.
  7. The tweet above your post saying the same thing. That’s got to be it.
  8. I read that tweet twice and I still don’t know what that guy is trying to say.
  9. I’m a member of the Temple Elks Lodge. I’m in my late 40’s and am also about 40 years younger than the average. It’s good for cheap drinks and we really do good work for Veterans, disabled kids and first responders.
  10. They keep making 2’s and we keep missing 3’s. Typical.
  11. Thank you all for the suggestions but I think I’m going this route. I have an outlet about 10’ from the vehicle and I think I’ll run it through the grill too for easy install/uninstall.
  12. I have a 3rd vehicle that I only use for camping, fishing and hunting. The problem is that I never seem to remember to turn it on to keep the battery charged. I usually have to jump it and leave it running for a long time before I use it. Is there anything I can do short of removing the battery and putting it on a charger every time? I sometimes go 2 months without using it. Any help is appreciated.
  13. This is a great way to wake up from a nap. Welcome Mookie.
  14. I had to look it up. Evidently it’s just a super sized regular taco. I’m all for it.
  15. Smoke much? Not that there is anything wrong with that.
  16. You’re assuming the Rams get to the 25.
  17. Is this the Indian version of running with the bulls?
  18. This guy gets it. Let’s put him just ahead of Leal for shits and giggles.
  19. We’re bribing my son and his wife with an all paid trip every year she isn’t pregnant. They’re too young to have kids. This year for her 21st we’re going to Vegas and plan to take them to Andiamo Steakhouse. Anyone been? Recs?
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