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Everything posted by stork642

  1. Was it Bama or lsu that was complaining there was no A/C in the visiting locker room? Do they have indoor plumbing yet?
  2. CT wouldn’t be the starter at SFA. Maybe he should look at Lamar. Even that would be a toss up.
  3. Yeah I’m more confused than Jackson. This is his lawyer’s best case. Just show all of his “dancing” videos and look at the jury and ask “Does this look like someone that would forcibly kiss a female?”
  4. I need one of those glen toppers for outdoor drinking.
  5. So happy I picked up 2 of these. Fantastic.
  6. Georgia buys every single player they have is pissed when one of their bought players gets bought by another team.
  7. Your bar was badass. Can’t you build another one?
  8. What I really want to know is did this poor sob find a new ham guy yet? He’s obviously not missing any meals. So I guess the answer is yes.
  9. I don’t care. This team is going to win at least 10 this year.
  10. Spec’s isn’t completely horrible. Happy Friday.
  11. I suggest JD Coy Hill 153.2 proof. That’s how you find out who your true friends are. Well maybe not. I agree you can’t go wrong with OF 1920. But I you take the Coy Hill we’re going to need a detailed recap of the events.
  12. Random question. The last two Weller FP’s I’ve gotten have been SPs and every time I see one posted they are SPs. Is there a reason there are only SPs available of Weller FB? Not seeing that with other Weller products.
  13. I’ve always been a fan of talking up the other team in public but have the team thinking they will destroy them. Lou Holtz was a master at this.
  14. I’m old but I guess broken hand is some sorta slang meaning can’t see shit. Anyway last year is in the past and I’m still a fan and hope he kills it this year. Might I suggest an Optometrist.
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