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Everything posted by stork642

  1. It’s a sellers market dude. He’s waiting for the next downturn. Chess. But good luck with any downturn in the Austin real estate market.
  2. I’m sorry. I never bet on college football or really anything but I will take that bet. No way UT doesn’t win 9 games. How do I bet this?
  3. Perrin was pulled into a situation where he did his best for the university he loves. The other two were cancers.
  4. Getting ready for the holiday weekend.
  5. Disappeared like a fart in the wind.
  6. The little lights aren’t twinkling Clark.
  7. Red flags all over this Blue dude. Sounds bad either way. Either he got kicked off of his HS team or he quit on his HD team. Both look bad.
  8. No way Bijan would ever opt out. I’ll be shocked if Blue stays at Texas 2 years max. Speaks to character and that he’s got people in his ear telling him it’s all about him.
  9. $18k? Did I read that right? That’s only $4k per concussion. David you health is worth more than that. The club scene will be rockin though.
  10. Sorry for your loss. Moms are very special.
  11. I would drink the whole bottle and kick the damn door in/down.
  12. That’s crabs dude. Get to the clinic ASAP!
  13. We can’t even have some nice radiation talk with someone posting a pic of a three breasted girl. This is why we can’t have nice things. On second thought if radiation adds an extra boob count me in. Hair is overrated anyway.
  14. Any thoughts? Haven’t tried this one yet.
  15. I think your magic wand doohickey has been pointed at the wrong team since 2010.
  16. I’m on board with signing Mr Harris yesterday but that makes me think. How many 5* high schooler tear mcls while in high school and still go on to have great college careers? I know that there are perfectly healthy 5*s that don’t pan out but just curious if anyone has any info on the actual numbers.
  17. Most of us have been to College Station but that doesn’t mean we ever made the poor decision to go back and we can speak to the nastiness of that place all we want.
  18. Clearly woke band dorks are the most courageous of all the dorks. I for one am so thankful that they are here to correct all past injustices real or perceived. We are lucky to be blessed with these protectors. Also Disney won’t know what hit them once the band dorks hear about the sexual aggression thing.
  19. Not sure anything would allow me to handle the loss of my child but this outlook is the only possible way I think I could process such a horrific event. We just get caught up in life and sometimes forget how fragile it is and appreciate the time we have even if it’s short.
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