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  1. I don't get the Peavey nostalgia. I learned to play electric guitar on a Bandit and when I finally plugged into a Fender 410 Deville tube amp with spring reverb I could not believe the difference. It was like I had been dry humping for 2 years and then slid into a warm vaj with no condom.
  2. Another Tom Lea work that could be integrated into a banner or something. It was commissioned by the government during the New Deal so I think it's public domain.
  3. Sure. Come early and you can have dinner with her and the whole band. Be warned though... Total prude.
  4. When I was ordering my custom Doheny, I changed my mind about 30 times. These are just G&L's main offerings. If you follow them on instagram you can see that they do variations and one-offs all the time. I'm sure they'd happily replicate anything they've ever done and not even charge extra if the supplies were on hand. http://glguitars.com/fullerton-finishes/
  5. Man, I might buy that Coco guitar. For my nephew, of course. Definitely not to learn and play "Proud Corazon" while a little teardrop rolls down my cheek.
  6. I reiterate that I want to change my handle to make it less clunky; not to totally reinvent myself. I'm the same old corvette-driving dick-drawing trans woman astronaut photoshop artist I've always been.
  7. I registered too hastily and I want to change my handle. I've been using it since hornfans and want to streamline it. Any way to do this with the same e-mail address?
  8. "Earn It" last year and "Never Settle" this year. We've come a long way from 2012's "We Are Your Houston Astros," which only guaranteed that, contrary to appearances, the team hadn't been secretly replaced by an amateur senior league baseball team from Pakistan the year before. Remember THE WORST PLAY EVER? (Video won't embed but do you really need to see it again?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMh1Zp8ETPc&feature=youtu.be Anywho, those dark years just make the wine that much sweeter.
  9. I see this place has deferred action for Shaggy Trumpkin refugees. Enjoy your amnesty.
  10. Noharley is classy AF. Tobacco burst Tele, Olympic white strat, Trans Amber LP over curly maple, candelabras, Persian rugs... I bet his house smells of rich mahogany.
  11. I remember your post just before you went in. I too had to check in somewhere last fall for a short but very effective soberification. (Still going). Some of your older posts in the alcoholic thread are so similar to my own experiences it is downright spooky. I remember reading a post so specific that for a brief moment, before I looked at the user name, I thought I'd written it and forgotten. I'm rooting for you really fucking hard because it's like rooting for myself.
  12. Did changing message boards cure anyone's alcoholism? I still feel the same. I guess I'll join the roll call.
  13. Interesting. Negs are going to be public. You can counterstrike when someone gives a person a bullshit neg.
  14. Next, Bozo will want to impose a no strawmen rule because he wants to ban all argument and dissent like Hitler did.
  15. Meaningless, but we won the Grapefruit League today.
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